Summary of keywords
so Ive been using the qt database to find out what the different keywords and terms do and mean, but is there a site or something that shortly summarizes all the important keywords?
For example qt Userrole explained, what it does etc.
On some keywords i just dont find a definite explanation and the qt database is so big and complex it would be nice if there would be some kind of summary
maybe it exists^^ -
There isn't such a "summary". However, in the Qt on-line documentation as terms are introduced/first used (and usually throughout) in a topic they are presented as a green hyperlink, so you just click on them to take you to where they are explained further.for example, staring from you see
See also Qt::ItemDataRole
and clicking on the green link takes you to, where you come across
.Item data roles themselves are explained in, in section Item roles.
Yes, you have to learn your way around a bit. Some judicious Googling can help! Also, try using: at the top of every Qt documentation page there's an in-built "search box". Typing a word in here searches just the Qt docs for you, which is pretty useful.
Hi @becht, there is no summary, but it is easy to search for information about them. Open a search engine (such as Google or DuckDuckGo) and enter this: userrole
If you are using Chrome or Firefox, there's an extension that makes it easier to search for keywords: