DBus connection to omxplayer
Mobile and Embedded
Re: DBus connection to omxplayer won't work
Looking for working example to play, get status omxplayer using dbus from qt application. Tried but no success. Connection is successful but not able to get status or pause/stop from application. Also looking for method to play files using dbus
QProcess proc; proc.start("omxplayer video.mp4"); proc.waitForStarted();
Files play correctly, I'm not sure there is direct way to play using dbus
QDBusConnection *_dbus; _dbus = new QDBusConnection(QDBusConnection::sessionBus()); _dbus->connectToBus("/tmp/omxplayerdbus", "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.omxplayer"); if( !_dbus->isConnected() ) { qDebug() << "not connected"; }
Test result: This get connected with no error
QString dest = "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.omxplayer"; QString path = "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2"; QString interface = "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player"; QString name = "pause";//stop QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(dest, path, interface, name); if( !_dbus->send(msg) ) { qWarning() << "error: " << _dbus->lastError().message(); }
No error, but video continue to play