QtRpt report from Databse
QML and Qt Quick
This problem is solved.here is the right code.
void MainWindow::on_btnGenrateReport_clicked() { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); db.setDatabaseName("/home/gtek/Work/validscan_proj/validscan_db"); if(!db.open()) { qDebug()<<"Database not Open"<<endl; } else { QSqlQuery qry; qry.prepare("select * from vs_channel"); if(!qry.exec()) { qDebug()<<"Error in Query"<<endl; } else { QtRPT *report = new QtRPT(this); while(qry.next()) { p = new pojo(); p->setChannel_id(qry.value(12).toString()); p->setChannel_tag(qry.value(1).toString()); p->setUnit(qry.value(6).toString()); plist.push_back(p); } report->loadReport(":/chreport.xml"); report->recordCount.append(plist.count()); connect(report,&QtRPT::setValue,[&](const int recNo, const QString paramName, QVariant ¶mValue, const int reportPage) { (void) reportPage; if(paramName=="channel_id") { paramValue=plist[recNo]->getChannel_id(); } if(paramName=="channel_tag") { paramValue=plist[recNo]->getChannel_tag(); } if(paramName=="unit") { paramValue=plist[recNo]->getUnit(); } }); report->printExec(); } } }
I had created one pojo class for getter setter method.
@Mahesh-Arrajella The official web site of QtRPT project here http://www.qtrpt.tk
@ali-aydin there are none officially provided by the Qt Company. QtRpt is one well known. AFAIK, they have moved their website.
That's not enough information. Please open your own thread about that issue and provide complete information like Qt version used, platform, QtRpt version and full error output.
@aha_1980 Unfortunately the link http://www.qtrpt.tk is no more working.
To get official source of the project please use