Label & Button with Graphic
I need some Help with displaying an image (png, jpeg…etc) in a Label and a Button
I Looked at, and tried a dozen approaches from the samples/tut’s and internet but, no luck! Shouldn’t be this difficult… Seems quite a few folks have this same trouble.
Coming to QT (Creator) from Java/C++… many others. My usual approach to learn is by similarity via taking a basic idea of a Window with a Button and some Labels and go from there.
[in Java, it’s as simple as label.setIcon(…) ]
Using QT5/Creator.
Any suggestions appreciated, Thanks
Here’s the code:
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
delete ui;
}void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
ui->label->setText("<b><i>M</i></b>eow!"); // this works
ui->lcdNumber->display(("35807.4")); // this works// does NOT work------------ ui->pushButton->setIcon( the path to the file?); //-------------------------- // does NOT work------------ ui->label_2->.... a lot of trials and errors //-------------------------- // does NOT work------------ QPixmap myPixmap ("<img ':/Users/bruce/Programming/QT/Proj_myQT/myTest2/aaa.png' /> some text"); ui->label_2->setPixmap(myPixmap); ui->label_2->show(); // -------------------------
}//end MainWindow
@outwest said in Label & Button with Graphic:
ui->pushButton->setIcon( the path to the file?);
And what is the path? Is it correct?
This is not a valid path to an image file:
QPixmap myPixmap ("<img ':/Users/bruce/Programming/QT/Proj_myQT/myTest2/aaa.png' /> some text");
Change it to
QPixmap myPixmap ("/Users/bruce/Programming/QT/Proj_myQT/myTest2/aaa.png");