QTextEdit align inline image with text
I am building a token editor to construct the file path to store images. I have tokens for dates etc that I drop onto a subclassed QTextEdit to combine with text. A sample currently looks like this:
As you can see I have a vertical alignment issue. I have managed to set the line height using
QTextBlockFormat blockFormat; blockFormat.setLineHeight(30, QTextBlockFormat::FixedHeight); textCursor().setBlockFormat(blockFormat);
I have tried to change the vertical alignment of the text using
QTextCharFormat charFormat; charFormat.setVerticalAlignment(QTextCharFormat::AlignTop); textCursor().setCharFormat(charFormat);
However, this does not change the vertical alignment. I was hoping to change the vertical alignment of the text and then tweak the line height to get a precise match between the image and the text.
Any tips on how I can accomplish this? I started to look at QTextLayout. Would that work?
@jsulm said in QTextEdit align inline image with text:
@Rory_1 Why do you use images for that? You could simply fill in "C:/YYYY-MM-DD/Location" as text.
Because then the user could edit the tokens. The tokens are dragged onto the textedit to create whatever path the users wants - that is not as easy with text since the user can change the text. I know that I could format the tokens and then ignore key events for the formatted text to make them "read only". This approach, using images, avoids all that stuff - all I need to do is get the alignment right.
If you have a better way to do tokens I'd consider that for sure, but I'm also interested in the alignment issue.
have you solve the alignment issue