How to write the data from QTVector 3D into 3 Arrays (Qbytearray x; Qbytearray y;Qbytearray z;)
General and Desktop
Good day
I am having a problem understanding QTVector3D .
Below is a snipped from the QTLabs Sensehat module for Raspberry Pi. The example works perfectly .
I would like to send the data via Serial or UDP and therefore would like to Write the x,y,z values from QVector3D into 3 Arrays so i can send them. My problem is i don't know how i can split "v" into 3 arrays ?Qbytearray X;
Qbytearray Y;
Qbytearray Z;myarray.append(v); does obviously not work
How would i do that ? I could not
QObject::connect(&sensors, &QSenseHatSensors::gyroChanged, [](const QVector3D &v) { qDebug() << "Gyro:" << v; });
Hope someone can help me