why doesn't this connect() function work?
General and Desktop
I want to use lambda expression in my function,the relations between files and classes like follows:
//main.cpp MainWIndow w; w.show()
//MainWIndow.h class MainWindow:public QMainWindow { void initMainWindowUI(); }
//MainWindow.cpp void MainWindow::initMainWIndowUI() { QAction *colors = new QAction(ui->menuEdit); // this connect() work well connect(colors,&QAction::triggered,this,&MainWindow::doActionColorGradient); ui->menuEdit->addAction(colors); } void MainWindow::doActionColorGradient() { QSharedPointer<QDialog> colorGradientParamInputDlg(new QDialog()); QColor firstColor; QToolButton *firstColorButton; firstColorButton = new QToolButton(); // there is nothing happened when I clicked the firstColorButton. // what's wrong with my code? QObject::connect(firstColorButton,&QToolButton::triggered,[&]{ firstColor = QColorDialog::getColor(QString("first color")); }); }
Appreciate if you can tell me the solutions .
You're using &QToolButton::toggled, but a thats not enabled by default.
add the following below
firstColorButton = new QToolButton()
firstColorButton ->setCheckable(true);
Thank you,But it seems not effct,and I edit
then it works.
And I'm learning the differences between triggered and clicked. XD