QT 5.9.2 open + VS2015 (Win10) = cannot find VS compilers
Hi all,
As titled, i installed vs2015 (community ed) and QT 5.9.2 (open source, every precompiled library installed) in my Win10 envroinment. QT creator cannot recognize any VS2015 but only MiniGW ones, which don't work with my project. I must use those versions due to constraint on my current project.Is there a list of thing i can check to fix it?
Sorry if topic has been treated or dumb question, i'm new to this envroinment
This question has indeed been asked many times already. The first thing to check is that you installed the C++ components along Visual Studio. As silly as it sounds, it's not selected by default when running the installer.
Sgaist, thanks for reply.
Cool. However, as far as i remember, Vs2015 installation asked nothing about optional components, it just installs itself (apart asking a MS login). Anyway, is there a way to fix it after VS installation? May i ask which are those "C++ components" to install?
EDIT: i run the VS2015 setup from control panel and the VC++ tree was actually missing. Installing now. Will post here if it works
now i'm getting the VS2015 C++ Options. But, indeed, C++ compiler. No C, no debugger. After selecting "GNU GDB 7.10" as debugger, it seems concerned about the "the ABI of the selected debugger does not match with the compiler ABI".
Edit: installing the WDK kit including the CDB debugger.
Never Ending Story :)
The default debugger of Visual Studio is only available from within Visual Studio. As you have discovered, you have to install the standalone debugging tools.