QT 5.7 BLE when reconnecting after disconnection reads same data from custom characteristic
Hi all,
I am using QT 5.7 version and trying to read the data from custom characteristics in BLE for every 100 ms. When connect to the BLE device first time it reads data properly, after sometimes device is disconnected and I am able to re-connect successfully but when trying to read data , it reads same data before disconnection happens even the Characteristics value is changing. When i googled for solution found this QT Bug this QT bug and it says "If a ble peripheral device changes it's services between two connections,
the ble stack uses the cached data and on service discovery returns the old services." In my case i am not changing any services when reconnecting, i am trying to read from same service and same characteristics. My mobile android version is 6.0.1. My question is even the service not changing between connections whether BLE Cache data from previous connection?. Thanks in advance.