Where can I find QML Settings file or where is it saved in my device?
I am using QtCreator for a C++/QML application on RaspberryPi. I want to save some application settings and I reached this goal using a code that is very similar to the documentation at this link.
... import Qt.labs.settings 1.0 Settings { id: settingsValues property int sliderValue: 300000 property bool checkBoxChecked: true } ...
Where can I find the file in which these values are stored?
This might work:
The actual mechanism for the persistent storage of QSettings data is implementation-
dependent and quite flexible. Some possibilities for its storage include the Win32 reg-
istry (in Windows) and your $HOME/.settings directory (in Linux). -
@Charlie_Hdz I have a .config directory in my Linux OS but there is nothing inside related to Qt or Qml. How can I set the folder where I would like to save this persistent storage?
Had you set values like this way?
settings.setValue("pos", pos()); settings.setValue("size", size()); settings.setValue("state", saveState());
@Charlie_Hdz No, I have set the values only in the .qml where I needed. For the settings I have not written qml code in .cpp file, I have used the structure shown in the question above.
In some way, you need to write those settings after the user wants to quit but before the window is
closed. Can you trigger a QML signal to catch them in the .cpp file? -
I am using QtCreator on Ubuntu 16.04, so I found the configuration file at the following path:
default_Directory_Of_My_Project/.config/Unknown Organization/myProject.conf
@emmericatto set the application name and organization: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qt-labs-settings-settings.html#application-identifiers