TableView refresh after delete / update / insert row QML
I'm using TableView on my QML form with SQLite db and all is working fine but when I delete Row or Update one, I have to exit the QML page and back to it to see the change. Same for insertion, When I insert a new Row, it's insert on row 0 and not following the "order by" from the sql query
How can I have an automatic update?
Thank you for your help
one way do that is using Loader Type :
LA -
@LeLev Hello LeLev, thank you very much.
I read what qt doc say about Loader but I don't really understand how to use it.
My TableView id is ListView, could you shortly explain me what I have to do with it?
and how can I call the loader with onClicked?
Thank you for your help
You should show the code you are using with your database and TableView.
My code is too long to post it, I give the link for the complete project. I still have to work on it but all database and tableView code are there ;-)
the concerned form is the flightlog.qml, thank you for your help !
import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 2.1 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0 Page { id: root property string filename background: Rectangle { color: "black" } function resetSourceComp(){ //// loaderLeft.update() // loaderLeft.sourceComponent = leftColumnComponent// reseting source } Loader{// loader for left column list id:loaderLeft width: parent.width / 2 height: parent.height anchors.left: parent.left sourceComponent: leftColumnComponent onSourceComponentChanged:resetSourceComp() //sourceComponent = leftColumnComponent// } Component{ //wrap the list into Component so we can load it with loader id:leftColumnComponent ColumnLayout{ // width: parent.width / 2 // move positioning into loader // height: parent.height // anchors.left: parent.left ListView { id: listView anchors.fill: parent topMargin: 10 leftMargin: 10 bottomMargin: 10 rightMargin: 5 spacing: 20 model: ["F-GALN", "F-GALP"] delegate: ItemDelegate { width: avatar.implicitWidth height: avatar.implicitHeight leftPadding: avatar.implicitWidth onClicked: stackView.push("qrc:/presentation.qml", { inConversationWith: modelData }) Image { id: avatar source: "qrc:/images/" + modelData.replace(" ", "_") + ".png" } } } } } Loader{ width: parent.width / 2 height: parent.height anchors.right: parent.right sourceComponent: rightColumn } Component{ id:rightColumn ColumnLayout{ ListView { id: listView2 anchors.fill: parent topMargin: 10 leftMargin: 10 bottomMargin: 10 rightMargin: 5 spacing: 20 model: ["F-GMGB","F-GMLT"] delegate: ItemDelegate { width: avatar2.implicitWidth height: avatar2.implicitHeight rightPadding: avatar2.implicitWidth onClicked: stackView.push("qrc:/presentation.qml", { inConversationWith: modelData }) Image { id: avatar2 source: "qrc:/images/" + modelData.replace(" ", "_") + ".png" } } } } } Button { id: dialogButton text: "new" onClicked: { } } function basename(str) { return (str.slice(str.lastIndexOf("/")+1)) } FileDialog { id: fileDialog title: "Please choose a file" folder: shortcuts.home nameFilters: [ "Image files (*.png)"] onAccepted: { var res1 = basename(fileUrl.toString()) var res2 = res1.split(".") var filename = res2[0]; console.log(filename + "ok") loaderLeft.sourceComponent = null // "onSourceComponentChanged: resetSourceComp()" fileDialog.close() } } }
@LeLev Thank you very much to had take time for me!!!
I try to use your example on my flightlog.qml but after includingthe tableview in component, I got message listview and listModel missing ... ;-(
I'd recommend simplifying things a bit first. You have several objects with
as id and some of them are definitely notListView
instance. -
Hello, I found how to do it.
onClicked save button: listView.model.clear() + sqlitequery of the tableview.
here example:the tableView:
TableView { id: listView width: parent.width visible: true input.bottom height:Screen.height/8 model: ListModel { id: listModel Component.onCompleted: { JS.dbimmat() } } TableViewColumn {role: "date_etape";title:"Date du vol";width: 70} TableViewColumn {role: "pilot1";title: "Pilote 1";width: 70} TableViewColumn {role: "pilot2";title: "Pilote 2";width: 70} TableViewColumn {role: "pilot3";title: "Pilote 3";width: 70} TableViewColumn {role: "photo1";title: "Photo 1";width: 70} TableViewColumn {role: "photo2";title: "Photo 2";width: 70} TableViewColumn {role: "photo3";title: "Photo 3";width: 70} }
include at the end of your "save button" code:
listView.model.clear() JS.dbimmat()