Inconsistences when testing a QML application on Android devices
Thank you very much.I removed the border rectangle and replaced its id with table then used anchors here:
:... Window { id: window visibility: Window.Maximized title: qsTr("The PingPong Game - A QML Game") color: "gray" Rectangle { id: table width: window.width / 1.15; height: window.height / 1.15 x: window.x + 100; y: 10; border.width: 10 border.color: "white" color: "royalblue" property int count: 1 property bool turn: false property bool lightState: false property double step: 3.0 property int duration: 4 Racket { id: blackRacket anchors.left: table.left anchors.leftMargin: width * 2 y: height color: "black" } Racket { id: redRacket anchors.right: table.right anchors.rightMargin: width * 2 y: height color: "red" } Ball { id: ball x: table.width/2 y: table.height/2 } Column { spacing: 3 anchors.centerIn: table Repeater { model: table.height/(blackRacket.height / 2 + 3) delegate: Rectangle { width: 5 height: blackRacket.height / 2 color: "white" } } } ...
:... drag.maximumY: table.height - height - 10 ...
The output on the android device is fine:
The problem that bothers the players is that, moving the rackets affects the speed of the ball, by the way, dragging the racket is not easy. It's hard.
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@tomy said in Inconsistences when testing a QML application on Android devices:
The problem that bothers the players is that, moving the rackets affects the speed of the ball, by the way, dragging the racket is not easy. It's hard.
Make the area of the rackets bigger, then, for example by padding them with an invisible Item. Pseudo code:
Item { width: 200 height: 200 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent } Racket {} // (better integrate that Item padding into Racket component itself, of course) }
Hi,I used this code for
. It logically should work but in practice, no!
What's its issue please?import QtQuick 2.9 Rectangle { id: root width: 15; height: 65 property int oldY: y property bool yUwards: false property bool yDwards: false onYChanged: { if(y > oldY) yDwards = true else if (y < oldY) yUwards = true oldY = y } Item { x: root.x - 50 y: root.y - 50 width: 100 height: 200 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent parent focus: true hoverEnabled: true pressAndHoldInterval: 0 drag.axis: Drag.YAxis drag.minimumY: table.y drag.maximumY: table.height - height - 10 } } }
@tomy said in Inconsistences when testing a QML application on Android devices: parent
You are dragging an invisible item instead of your racket.
@tomy said in Inconsistences when testing a QML application on Android devices:
drag.minimumY: table.y drag.maximumY: table.height - height - 10
Is "table" defined and visible by your Racket? No errors or warnings?
Is "table" defined and visible by your Racket? No errors or warnings?
is the first Rectangle in themain.qml
:import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 2.1 Window { id: window visibility: Window.Maximized title: qsTr("The PingPong Game - A QML Game") color: "gray" Rectangle { id: table // <<--- width: window.width / 1.15; height: window.height / 1.15 x: window.x + 100; y: 10; border.width: 10 border.color: "white" color: "royalblue" ...
Before widening the MouseArea the code used that and therefore recognized it.
As well as, I changed it, say, to:drag.minimumY: 0 drag.maximumY: 300
just for test. But no change again!
Well, the code this way was helpful:
import QtQuick 2.9 Rectangle { id: root width: 15; height: 65 property int oldY: y property bool yUwards: false property bool yDwards: false onYChanged: { if(y > oldY) yDwards = true else if (y < oldY) yUwards = true oldY = y } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: -root.height root focus: true hoverEnabled: true pressAndHoldInterval: 0 drag.axis: Drag.YAxis drag.minimumY: table.y drag.maximumY: table.height - root.height - 10 } }
Now there is only one problem with the program which is:
- Moving the rackets when playing the game on the Desktop kit (Windows) doesn't affect the speed of ball's movement but when run on an Android device, moving the rackets affects the speed of ball's movement.
If you run the code on an Android device it will be obvious.
- Moving the rackets when playing the game on the Desktop kit (Windows) doesn't affect the speed of ball's movement but when run on an Android device, moving the rackets affects the speed of ball's movement.
I admit I havent check your code with much attention but here are a few ideias for you:
In rectangle id: table you have property int duration: 4, and in some timers you use
interval = (table.duration/4) wich mean you are setting a 1 ms timer trigger, wich means you're trying to get 1000fps (a little bit hight :) ).
Perhaps you could use int duration: 16, that will give you 60 fps that should be more than enought.You seem to have one rectangle for table and another for the table border ? Cant you make it simple and use just one rectangle and make use of border.width and border.color properties ?
In the rectangle border you have something like
Rectangle {
id: border
x: window.x + window.width/14; y: window.y - 10
width: window.width -300; height: window.height - 120
since you would want your game to fit in phones and tablet and all have very different resolutions, screen sizes should really use anchorings, something likeRectangle {
id: border
width: window.width * 0.8//just an example using 80% of the screen
height: window.height * 0.7//again just an example using 70% of the screen size
anchors.horizontalCenter: window.horizontalCenter window top
anchors.topMargin: ...//use some margins if need, you get the pointWhenever I use qml, I tend to use dimensions in milimeters, not in pixel size, because things will get messy different sizes, in phones or tablet with diferente resolution.
For example in Ball. qml you have
Rectangle {
width: 18; height: 18
If you specify the size in milimeters instead of pixels you will get the same aprox. size in all type of screens and that is probably what you want. So how do you specify in size in milimeters ? Read on:Rectangle {
property real calibrationFactor: 1
// you can also use diferent values if want to use diferente sizes for different plataforms
// calibrationFactor: Qt.platform.os === "android" ? 0.4 : 0.6
property real mm: Screen.pixelDensity * calibrationFactor
width: 5 * mm; height: 5 * mmI usually tend to declare mm in main.qml and make general use of mm in setting width and height properties of all items (Button, Balls, ...) and usually have very good results.
In Ball.qml you have:
property double ran: Math.random() + 0.5
property double xincrement: ran
property double yincrement: ran
it seems the velocity will depend on the random ran value ? It doesnt look very acurate to me, make the velocity depend on some random factor.
I would do something like:property real angle: 45//initially angle property double ran: 3 * mm //fixed value //call move from the timer function move() { x += ran*Math.cos(angle) y += ran*Math.sin(angle) /* for example, within the timer, you can check the limits of the ball, and change the angle, to make it bounce back in the walls or rackets or you can set properties here in Ball, with the limits of the field and the position of the backets, and check here for collisions */ }
Happy conding.
Thank you very much for your suggestions especially the one for moving.
Please take a look at this code. It's a very simplified version of a program disclosing the problem. I also tried your method in it:main.qml
:import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true width: 720 height: 620 Rectangle { id: table anchors.fill: parent color: "gray" Rectangle { id: ball property real angle: 45 property real calibrationFactor: 1 property real mm: Screen.pixelDensity * calibrationFactor property double ran: 3 * mm property double xincrement: ran*Math.cos(angle) property double yincrement: ran*Math.sin(angle) width: 15 height: width radius: width / 2 color: "white" x: 300; y: 300 } Racket { id: myRacket x: table.width - 50 y: table.height/3 color: "blue" } Timer { interval: 15; repeat: true; running: true function move() { ball.x += ball.xincrement ball.y += ball.yincrement } onTriggered: { if(ball.x + ball.width >= table.width || ball.x <= 0) ball.xincrement *= -1 move() if(ball.y <= 0 || ball.y + ball.height >= table.height) ball.yincrement *= -1 } } } }
:import QtQuick 2.9 Rectangle { id: root width: 15; height: 65 MouseArea { anchors.fill: root anchors.margins: -root.height root drag.axis: Drag.YAxis drag.minimumY: 0 drag.maximumY: 600 } }
But when I test it on my Android device, the problem still exists! :-(