Function to set Text as superscript or subscript or change the text color of particular alphabet
I would like to set my Text as superscript or subscript or change the text color of particular alphabet. Is there any in-built function in QT. I found examples to change the background color of particular alphabet, But it didn't help me
Note: I am not using any form or qml for design. -
I am not using any form or qml for design
So, how do you render your text?
@Wieland here is my code
textWin = new QLabel(parent); textWin->setGeometry(xPos, yPos, widthWin, heightWin); textWin->setText("Welcome");// here i pass text
I use this QLabel in many places and change the text according to my need. In some places I need subscript example: O2
supports a subset of HTML. You can usesub
But how should I declare ui -
I just copy & pasted that from my editor, you don't need a
object:textWin = new QLabel(parent); textWin->setGeometry(xPos, yPos, widthWin, heightWin); textWin->setText("<sub>Low</sub>Normal<sup>High</sup>");// here i pass text
@Wieland Thanks it worked. But I also need for color change for any particular alphabet. Could you help me
Same, you can use HTML:
setText("<sub><font color='purple'>Low</font></sub>Normal<sup><font color='orange'>High</font></sup>")