Qt 5.10.0 RC QFile::copy on Android not works
Seems like QFile::copy bugged in Qt 5.10, i've create bug report about that issue (https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-64103), can someone else test QFile::copy on Android?
have you tried
bool copied = QFile::copy(sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath);
where destinationFilePath is QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation).value(0) + "/newFile.txt" or so ?
@ekkescorner Yes, i have tried (QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation).first(), (QStandardPaths::DataLocation).first(), same code works fine with 5.9.3 but don't work on 5.10
@morte and you haven't changed your SDK version ? and same NDK ?
@ekkescorner Yes, same SDK and NDK, same gcc from NDK r10e
@morte I haven't tried w 5.10 yet - so much work on 5.9.x projects
but this bug would be a show stopper
please upload a really small demo app to make it easy to reproduce to the bug 64103, because status is 'need more info' -
@ekkescorner 'Needs more info' probably because Thiago wants strace output, i didnt managed yet to get it on Android
@iamqt this should be fixed in 5.10.1
https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-64103 -
@ekkescorner That's good to hear. I already wrote my own copy function as a workaround.