QTableView ... Qt Creator stylesheet
I'm able to customize the QTableview window in the QT Creator stylesheet editor .... but not find the property for access verticalScrollBar style ... I try with these vithout success ...
QTableView{border: 3px ; /*other code about padding background stc*/ ;} QTableView::item:focus{selection-background-color: yellow;} QTableView:verticalScrollBar{width: 30px; color:black; /*just for try*/}
But nothings appens .... no error no modifications ...
any suggest is appreciate, because I'm not find the right property syntax.
its not a subcontrol as such.
Its a widget on its own. (stylesheet wise)
(note its horizontal :) )myListView->setStyleSheet(QString("QScrollBar:horizontal { border: 2px solid grey; background: #32CC99; height: 15px; margin: 0px 20px 0 20px; }"));
ok ... ok ... but if I want to customize QTableView with verticalScrollBarr alwaysOn how do I customize the scroll bar?
ui->mytabWidget->setStylesheet("QTableView{border: /* some definition*/;}") ui->mytabWidget->setStylesheet("QScrollBar:vertical { border: 2px solid grey; background: #32CC99; height: 15px; margin: 0px 20px 0 20px; }"));
these is right????
Giorgio -
No, the second call will overwrite the style sheet from the first call. You should put the complete style sheet in one string.
Yes except it has to be inside same string.
The code you show set stylesheet twice and only last one counts.
From code you can do
QString style = R"( QScrollBar:vertical { background: #32CC99; } QScrollBar:horizontal { background: #FF0000; } )"; ui->tableWidget->setStyleSheet(style);
Note that your sample says mytabWidget->setStylesheet("QTableView
Make sure to use right type for the actual one you will use. -
I've try these with some success ...
but not success about ```
QScrollBar:vertical::up-arrow{image:/myimage up path/; with:40px; height:40px;}
QScrollBar:vertical::down-arrow{image:/myimage down path/; with:40px; height:40px;}
QScrollBar:vertical::handle{ border: 3px solid #5E749C;text-align: top;padding: 4px;border-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;background: blu;with:40px; height:80px;}the slider Become too little (beacuse I have meny row in table) and seems not bring the "height" sub control measure ... regards Giorgio
Are you sure it can load the images ?Maybe this can be inspiration
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12438095/qt-vertical-scroll-bar-stylesheets -
@mrjj these code have somethings that I not understand:
QTableView {border: 3px solid #5E749C;text-align: top;padding: 4px;border-radius: 7px;border-bottom-left-radius: 7px;background: QLinearGradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 1, y2: 0,stop: 0 #fff, stop: 1 #eee,stop: 0.5 #ddd,stop: 1 #eee );width: 15px;} QTableView::item:focus{selection-background-color: yellow;} QScrollBar:vertical{ width: 35px; background: none; /* only these sort effect about width ...*/} QScrollBar::handle:vertical{ border: 3px solid #5E749C;text-align: top;padding: 4px;border-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;background: QLinearGradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 1, y2: 0,stop: 0 #fff, stop: 1 #eee,stop: 0.5 #ddd,stop: 1 #eee ); width: 25px; min-height: 20px; max-height: 25px; /*these sort no effect*/ } QScrollBar::add-page:vertical {border: 3px solid red;text-align: top;padding: 4px;border-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;background: red; /* adding width: xx px; sorting no effect .. why? */} QScrollBar::sub-page:vertical {border: 3px solid green;text-align: top;padding: 4px;border-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;background: green; /* adding width: xx px; sorting no effect .. why? */ }
the result ......
Not sure all sub controls ( like QScrollBar::add-page:vertical ) supports
width.You can see where what they have used
http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/stylesheet-examples.html#customizing-qscrollbar -
@mrjj said in QTableView ... Qt Creator stylesheet:
You can see where what they have used
Girgio -
@mrjj finally I solve my issue in these way;
QTableView {border: 3px solid #5E749C;text-align: top;padding: 4px;border-radius: 7px;border-bottom-left-radius: 7px;background: QLinearGradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 1, y2: 0,stop: 0 #fff, stop: 1 #eee,stop: 0.5 #ddd,stop: 1 #eee );width: 15px;} QTableView::item:focus{selection-background-color: yellow;} QScrollBar{ background: QLinearGradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 1, y2: 0,stop: 0 #fff, stop: 1 #eee,stop: 0.5 #ddd,stop: 1 #eee ); } QScrollBar:vertical { border: 3px solid #5E749C; padding: 4px; border-radius: 7px; border-bottom-left-radius: 7px; background: QLinearGradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 1, y2: 0,stop: 0 #fff, stop: 1 #eee,stop: 0.5 #ddd,stop: 1 #eee ); width: 45px; margin: 48px 0 48px 0; } QScrollBar::handle:vertical { background: dark blue; border: 3px solid #5E749C; padding: 0px; border-radius: 7px; border-bottom-left-radius: 7px; min-height: 40px; } QScrollBar::add-line:vertical { background: dark blue; border: 3px solid #5E749C; padding: 0px; border-radius: 7px; border-bottom-left-radius: 7px; height: 40px; subcontrol-position: bottom; subcontrol-origin: margin; } QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical { background: dark blue; border: 3px solid #5E749C; padding: 0px; border-radius: 7px; border-bottom-left-radius: 7px; height: 40px; subcontrol-position: top; subcontrol-origin: margin; } QScrollBar::up-arrow:vertical, QScrollBar::down-arrow:vertical { border: 2px solid grey; width: 3px; height: 3px; background: white; } QScrollBar::add-page:vertical, QScrollBar::sub-page:vertical { background: none; }
but the result about the hole in my background not make my happy ... show these:
THESE RESULT IS ON UBUNTU 16 AND QT5.8 .... ON UBUNTU 14 AND QT5.6 the scrollBar is outside the table area ... so the result is perfect..... maybe these depends on pathers widget and it's css settings.
For me the problem is Solved.