Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webkitwidgets
@Vinod-Kuntoji thanks for your quick response .
Hi and welcome to devnet,
To add to @Vinod-Kuntoji, you also need to install the matching MSVC version of Qt.
@vadak With MinGW please use and Qt 5.9
In general, look for archives with "mingw" in the name, and skip those with "msvc"
I see there's been one small error: it's QtWebEngine that's only available with MSVC and at least MSVC2015 because of the third parties involved.
The original QtWebKit was deprecated with 5.6 and removed since 5.7 hence the error @vadak gets. So the current good solution is to use the reboot from @Konstantin-Tokarev.
@Konstantin-Tokarev thanks for your info and one more question aboutQtwebkit i downloadedQt webkit and how do add this sourcemodule to my QT5.7 any set up process is available ?
You cannot use provided binaries with Qt 5.7, they require Qt 5.9. However you can build from sources with your 5.7
@Konstantin-Tokarev i will try with QT5.7 webkit module.
@Konstantin-Tokarev thanks for you information ,or i will use MSVC binaries version of Qt5.7.