The complete scope as used by qmake
Qt Creator and other tools
Most of us came across different scopes in .profiles already.
The typical example is the distinction between different OS e.g.:
win32:message ("blabla") linux:message("bliblo") linux-*:message("whatsthis")
As shown in the example there is a way to use wildcards. The example allows the distinction between windows and linux desktops and the last one is the scope for cross-compiling for a linux embedded platform.
For avoiding confusion I like to know what the actual scope is in complete?
What would be the way to find out?
I found a solution with QMAKESPEC
message("SPEC " $$QMAKESPEC) message("SPEC " $$basename(QMAKESPEC))
The output is for instance:
Project MESSAGE: QMAKESPEC C:/Qt/5.4/mingw491_32/mkspecs/win32-g++ Project MESSAGE: SPEC win32-g++
or on linux
Project MESSAGE: QMAKESPEC /home/bloblo/Qt/5.9.1/gcc_64/mkspecs/linux-g++ Project MESSAGE: SPEC linux-g++