? about touchscreen calibration
I'm looking for some insight into how to do touchscreen calibration.
My embedded systems details don't really matter as I have Linux & Qt up and running correctly. But in case you are interested, it's a Xilinx Zynq FPGA with Qt 5.6.3 on it.
I can't seem to figure out the "proper" way to do calibration of a touchscreen. It looks like in Qt 4.x day, there was the QWSMouseHandler::calibrate() function. That seems to have gone away in Qt 5.x..
I can't seem to find the same functionality in Qt 5.6.3. But, the Qt embedded docs http://doc.qt.io/QtForDeviceCreation/qtee-customization.html seem to say that one should use the TSLIB plugin.
I'm currently using EVDEVTOUCH and it works well. But, I'm in need to calibrate the touchscreen. Should I be using TSLIB instead?
-brad w.