Out of memory allocating 65536 bytes
What is the problem? I do not understand it from your description. What are you trying to do and what does not work? Please provide the exact error message (if one is given). Thanks.
Can anyone help me? My project contain images about 6mb. My project can compile and run on simulator but cannot compile for device. When I compile, it show message @out of memory allocating 65536 bytes@ and compiler stop. If I delete some images, I can compile and run on device.
How can I compile my project for real device?
see this "bug":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-6199
[quote author="cheng" date="1284352976"]I couldn't find any solution in the Bug. Could you please tell me in detail?
Seems the issue is certainly the same as chetan has pointed out. You can now try to either reduce your resources size or try on a machine with more than 4 MB RAM.