How to display data from MQTT server in real-time?
Hi Everyone!
I am mostly into hardware side. Wanted to make a UI for my project but its not working. I am receiving a sensor data using a function on an interval of 1 sec. The code is written in C++.
Now I want that data (Which is basically an output of a C++ function) to be displayed into QML widget. The data is continuously being outputted.
I tried multiple ways to resolved this. For example:
i) Q_Property
ii) Q_Invokable etc.
But not of them actually worked for me. I was able to connect Qt and receive a single output in QML.
But I want the sensor data should continuously flow from Qt to QML. So that I could further plot them onto any Qml-widgit.I request you to please provide if any realtime example(code) if anybody has resolve similar kind of issue.
Thanks in advance for the help. -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Please show us your code (C++ and QML). Qt already provides several examples of integrating C++ with QML/QtQuick in its documentation. It would be best to find what is going on with your application.
@AntonioQt I would do this:
- A backend class in C++
- It has a signal with either no argument or the (simple) sensor data as argument
- Because it already receives data once per second it can also send the signal once per second
- The backend object is created in main.cpp and set as a context property to the QML engine
- In QML the signal is received using Connections
- If the data isn't in the signal it is fetched through a slot of the backend
But as SGaist said if you have tried things already and have particular problems you should show us some code.
Thank you @SGaist and @Eeli-K . Sorry for not providing the code. Below are the code which is outputting data at every second. I am basically receiving data from MQTT cloud service.
The function "onMQTT_Received" is actually responsible for providing me data (which is str) on console. I could not provide you my code in which I am trying to expose this data onto QML, because that is a mess and so ugly. However from the following code, I want the data (str) in QML. Please guide me. Below is the code://MyDataClass.h class MyDataClass : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit MyDataClass(QObject *parent=0); ~MyDataClass(); public slots: QString MQTT_Received(); void onMQTT_Connected(); void onMQTT_disconnected(); void onMQTT_Received(const QMQTT::Message &message); private: QMQTT::Client *client; };
#include "MyDataClass.h" #include <QCoreApplication> #include <QDebug> #include <iostream> MyDataClass::MyDataClass(QObject *parent): QObject(parent) { client = new QMQTT::Client(); QObject::connect(client, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(onMQTT_Connected())); QObject::connect(client, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(onMQTT_disconnected())); QObject::connect(client, SIGNAL(received(const QMQTT::Message &)), this, SLOT(onMQTT_Received(const QMQTT::Message &))); client->setHost(""); client->setPort(xxxxx); client->setUsername("xxxxxx"); client->setPassword("xxxxxxxxx"); client->connect(); qDebug() << "configured"; } MyDataClass::~MyDataClass() { } void MyDataClass::onMQTT_Connected() { client->subscribe("python/test",0); qDebug() << "Subscribed"; } void MyDataClass::onMQTT_Received(const QMQTT::Message &message) { QString str, m_message; str = message.payload(); qDebug() << str; } void MyDataClass::onMQTT_disconnected() { qDebug() << "Disconnected"; }
I made the following changes in the above code:
//MyDataClass.h Q_INVOKABLE QString onMQTT_Received(const QMQTT::Message &message);
//MyDataClass.cpp QString MyDataClass::onMQTT_Received(const QMQTT::Message &message) { QString str; str = message.payload(); return str; }
//main.qml import QtQuick 2.6 ApplicationWindow { id: root width: 300 height: 480 visible: true Text{ text:MyDataClass.onMQTT_Received() } }
But not seeing any output in QML window. Do I need change anything else?
Send a signal from the C++ object and catch it in QML using Connections (see the Qt docs) type.
Tried with various combinations but not getting output. Kindly provide the code example. My code updates are as below:
//main.cpp QQuickView view; MyDataClass data; view.rootContext()->setContextProperty("myobj", &data); view.setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile("qrc:/main.qml"));;
//MyDataClass.cpp QString MyDataClass::onMQTT_Received(const QMQTT::Message &message) { QString str; str = message.payload(); qDebug() << str; emit mySignal(str); return str; }
//main.qml Item { width: 500; height: 800 Connections { target: myobj onMySignal:console.log(str) }
Am I making some mistakes? Kindly help me resolving this issue. I am not getting output in QML.
What is the signature of your signal ?
Sorry for late response, I was away.
As @SGaist asked below are my code snippet:QObject::connect(client, SIGNAL(received(const QMQTT::Message &)), this, SLOT(onMQTT_Received(const QMQTT::Message &)));
I copied from my second comment above.
I hope I understand your question correctly.
How can I catch this signal in QML? -
Where's your QMQTT come from ?
I got this library from here: am using this library to receive data from cloud. This library is fulfilling the requirement - as I am getting the output in Qt as I commented above. Now I just wanted this data(output) in QML.
@AntonioQt "What is the signature of your signal ?" like @SGaist asked - i.e. how it is declared in C++ header? QML sees the argument by the name which is in C++ declaration, not call time name. "onMySignal:console.log(str)" should work if you have
signals: void mySignal(QString str);
but not if you have e.g.
signals: void mySignal(QString someString); //you must use "someString" in QML
@AntonioQt You've got:
//MyDataClass.cpp QString MyDataClass::onMQTT_Received(const QMQTT::Message &message) { QString str; str = message.payload(); qDebug() << str; emit mySignal(str); return str; }
and if the str is seen in the debug output then the problem isn't in the mqtt library, it's in your C++ or QML code. So, provided that you have
signals: void mySignal(QString str);
in your class header, MyDataClass::onMQTT_Received as seen above,
view.rootContext()->setContextProperty("myobj", &data);
in main.cpp,
Connections{ target: myobj onMySignal: {console.log("String received! " + str)} }
and you see the string in C++ debug output you should also see the "String received!" message plus the string in QML debug output. If not, there's something weird going on. You can also try adding
Component.onCompleted: {console.log(myobj)}
to an item in your main.qml to see if the C++ object is really recognized.
EDIT: If you test something with debug output, please paste the real output here. Sometimes it gives an answer you don't notice and we can't tell without seeing.
Looks like the repository is not yet on, but you can get it here.
@Eeli-K This worked! :D
Thank you so much.
There were two issues with the code, first was resolved by the snippet you provided above.
The second I observed while copying the qDebug output for you guys. There was an error message :file:qrc:/main.qml: No such file or directory
Means that, no signals were being passed into "main.qml". Then I searched for the resolution and the solution was, modifying the following code in "main.cpp":
view.setSource (QUrl("qrc:///main.qml"));
I did not dig much about how/why it happened?
The next thing I am looking for -to use the str (variable) in Qml. I just want to use this (or any other single) variable with Qml widget. Do we have any quickest way to achieve this?
Once again thank you very much @Eeli-K and @SGaist for your efforts and guidance. -
Few things required to be added in addition what @Eeli-K had commented in his last comment. I am providing the final working snippet for future, if anybody is facing the similar issue they may refer the above conversation between experts and me.
Below is the final update in "main.qml" :Connections { target: myobj onMySignal: { labelStr.text = str // Set the counter to a text label }
"labelStr" is a label that has to be defined separately in QML.