qmake with a custom pre build target does not compile
I am using Qt 5.9 with msvc2015 on Windows 10.
I am also using git.For my application I want to read out the current git hash ID to generate a custom version.rc file, which includes some basic information about my application. This is doing my batch script version.bat. So I have added the following lines into my pro file.
build.target = customtarget build.commands = $$PWD/version.bat PRE_TARGETDEPS += customtarget QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += build RC_FILE += $$PWD/version.rc
Now when I want to build my app, everything works fine and the script is also doing its job, when file version.rc exist.
But it produces an error, if the file does not exists. But this shouldn't matter, because the script will create it.
When I call it manually and the version.rc does not exists, it is also working and the file will be created.dependent 'version.rc' does not exist.
I also checked the working dir, everthing is fine. And I remember this has been working with qt 5.3 and below.
What am I doing wrong?regards
Oliver -
Can you share the content of your version.bat script ?
Note that
being a qmake variable, its handling might have changed. -
Due to the fact that I am using the git environment I have also a verison.sh which is called by the version.bat.
"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login version.sh
#!/bin/sh File=`ls *.pro` Project=`echo $(basename $File .pro)` Date=`date +%Y` Version= BIFile=./version.xml RCFile=./version.rc # generate git infos Dir='./' RevNum=`git rev-list HEAD | wc -l | tr -d ' '` HashID=`git log --max-count=1 | grep '^commit' | sed -e 's/commit //'` echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" > $BIFile echo "<BuildInfo>" >> $BIFile echo " <Name>"$Project"</Name>" >> $BIFile echo " <BuildVersion>"$Version"</BuildVersion>" >> $BIFile echo " <BuildNumber>"$RevNum"</BuildNumber>" >> $BIFile echo " <BuildID>"$HashID"</BuildID>" >> $BIFile echo "</BuildInfo>" >> $BIFile VersionID=`echo $Version | tr . ,` # Product Version enthält nur 2 Stellen, und die ID mit Nullen auffüllen Product=`expr match "$Version" "\([0-9]*.[0-9]*\)"` ProductID=`echo $Product | tr . ,`,0,0 echo "/* This file is generated. Any changes will be discarded. */" > $RCFile echo "#include <windows.h>" >> $RCFile echo >> $RCFile echo "// version string for windows" >> $RCFile echo "#ifdef WIN32" >> $RCFile echo " IDI_ICON1 ICON DISCARDABLE \"icon.ico\"" >> $RCFile echo " VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO" >> $RCFile echo " FILEVERSION "$VersionID >> $RCFile echo " PRODUCTVERSION "$VersionID >> $RCFile echo " BEGIN" >> $RCFile echo " BLOCK \"StringFileInfo\"" >> $RCFile echo " BEGIN" >> $RCFile echo " BLOCK \"040704E4\"" >> $RCFile echo " BEGIN" >> $RCFile echo " VALUE \"CompanyName\", \"xxx\"" >> $RCFile echo " VALUE \"FileDescription\", \"$Project\"" >> $RCFile echo " VALUE \"FileVersion\", \"$Version\"" >> $RCFile echo " VALUE \"LegalCopyright\", \"$Date, xxx\"" >> $RCFile echo " VALUE \"OriginalFilename\", \"$Project.exe\"" >> $RCFile echo " VALUE \"ProductName\", \"$Project\"" >> $RCFile echo " VALUE \"ProductVersion\", \"$Version\"" >> $RCFile echo " END" >> $RCFile echo " END" >> $RCFile echo >> $RCFile echo " BLOCK \"VarFileInfo\"" >> $RCFile echo " BEGIN" >> $RCFile echo " VALUE \"Translation\", 0x0407, 0x04E4" >> $RCFile echo " END" >> $RCFile echo " END" >> $RCFile echo "#endif" >> $RCFile
What if you put a dummy
file in your sources ? -
@stvokr This is happening because at the point that qmake is run the version.rc file does not exist.
I don't have a solution for you since I stopped using qmake in favor of cmake a long time ago. If you wanna switch your project to cmake I can help you. ;)
What you need to do basically is either have qmake ignore that it is missing a file or you can generate the file before your run qmake, or lastly you can use a dummy file like @SGaist suggested.