cannot open input file 'CuteReport.lib'
I tried to use Cute Report in my Qt application. I follow the Doc pdf file that is on the website of the cute report on how can I use. it writes the following
Embedded library There are some important steps to use CuteReport as embedded library in the custom application: • add all necessary data to your project fle (.pro); • add header fles of CuteReport to your cpp fle; • create and initialize report core; Add next lines to your .pro fle: INCLUDEPATH += path_to_CuteReport_headers DEPENDPATH += $$INCLUDEPATH LIBS += -Lpath_to_cutereport_shared_fles -lCuteReport -lCuteReportWidgets And add above headers to your code: #include "reportcore.h" #include "reportinterface.h
but when I follow this and do this in my .pro file
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/development/include/cutereport DEPENDPATH += $$INCLUDEPATH LIBS += -L$$PWD/development/development/ -lCuteReport -lCuteReportWidgets
copied the development folder from my C drive which installed on it the project to my file path and uses $$PWD to get project path I got this error
:-1: error: LNK1181: cannot open input file 'CuteReport.lib'
and a second option to import them as a framework but I can't find the .pri file in the installed path of the Cute report
if someone tried it before can help me or what makes this problem
Thanks in advance -
As per our email conversation, the issue is solved.
The problem caused the issue is an outdated documentation. Correct code to add to a .pro file is:INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/cutereport/include/cutereport DEPENDPATH += $$INCLUDEPATH LIBS += -L$$PWD/cutereport -lCuteReportCore -lCuteReportWidgets
This is valid for CuteReport "development" folder from a CuteReport installation placed inside a custom project
structure as a "cutereport" folder. -
Did you check your installation ?
Where exactly are the corresponding library files ?
What about contacting the authors of that framework ? -
- Yes and I thought there is a problem with my installation and to make sure I reinstall it to make sure.
- it set up on C drive but I copied the development folder (which have all the libs and include) to my project path even if I set paths with c drive it gave me the same error
- I will do that if there is no solution here I want the help if anyone tried this framework before or have the same problem to help me
As per our email conversation, the issue is solved.
The problem caused the issue is an outdated documentation. Correct code to add to a .pro file is:INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/cutereport/include/cutereport DEPENDPATH += $$INCLUDEPATH LIBS += -L$$PWD/cutereport -lCuteReportCore -lCuteReportWidgets
This is valid for CuteReport "development" folder from a CuteReport installation placed inside a custom project
structure as a "cutereport" folder.