Android and dB measures
Hi all,
I have a question about Qt usage with Android to measure dB from Handheld microphone.
Is this supported by Qt Android port or do I have to do some JNI interfaces?My goal is to create a little App for my stepmother (which has Parkinson's disease) to help her to do some vocal exercices.
So she can measure her voice power and log the results without any outside help.
I just need to get the microphone sample level (in realtime of course), I don't want to record it.Thank's in advance for any help.
@KroMignon you may want to take a look at this example for QAudioRecorder, paying attention to method getBufferLevels() (and discarding the record option as you already stated not being interested on recording)
@Pablo-J-Rogina many thanks for the link, I think there is everythinh I need to develop my App :)
@KroMignon if so, please don't forget to mark your post as solved please. Thanks.