Installing Qt "Network error while downloading "
After the Qt Installer started the download and reach 50% the download stopped and shows the message:
"Network error while downloading" Timelimit already overrun.
What can i do? I want to install the free open source QT Creator.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
If you only want Qt Creator, then you can have it as standalone download.
Otherwise, are you on a network that has time constraints ? Or maybe you are hitting a faulty mirror.
@M.O.H There is nothing to fix in the installer. The problem is that some mirrors can be slow/offline.
You can use this tool to select another mirror: -
I've tried it on 3 different days on different times (evening, morning, work day, weekend) and every time I've got a network error.
So I think there is something to fix in the installer eg use another timeout, set the timeout by the user, or provide a resume button.
just a suggestion - ... ok, I will see if I find the offline version, on my first look I don't see it, but this is probably my problem :-)Ok, I found it - small link at the bottom of the page
timer value not match with stop watch after 3000 x axis.
help me how to resolve the matter.
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
import QtCharts 2.3
Window {
width: 1000
height: 480
visible: true
title: qsTr("Hello World")
property int xx: 0
property int yy: 0
property int zz: 0
property real aa: 00
property real bb: 20
//property int point11: 0Rectangle { width: 1000 height: 300 ChartView { id: chart anchors.fill: parent // Define the chart axes ValueAxis { id: valueAxis min: 0 max: 10 titleText: "ValueY" } ValueAxis { id: valueAxisX min: 0 max: 1000 tickCount: 11 titleText: "ValueX" } LineSeries { id: series axisX: valueAxisX axisY: valueAxis name: "Series" } Timer { id: timer interval: 10 running: true repeat: true property int amountOfData: 0 onTriggered: { aa++ bb = Math.random() * 10; console.log(aa)
// series.append(aa,bb)
}} } } }
@Sunil-kumar-verma please don't highjack threads with unrelated issues.
@Sunil-kumar-verma Please post your question in your own thread! Your problem has absolutely nothing to do with this thread!