Questions of utility functions of QtQuick
V-Play Engine for Qt-based mobile apps and games comes with many components that allow to create native-looking UIs and a native user experience for both iOS and Android from a single QML code-base.
If you then want to additionally separate between iOS and Android, you can do so with e.g. the Theme.isIos property:
import VPlayApps 1.0 App { AppText { text: Theme.isIos ? "This text shows on iOS" : "This text shows on other platforms like Android" anchors.centerIn: parent } }
Hope this helps!
GTDev -
@tham When new Qt versions are officially released, V-Play usually takes some time to prepare the SDK for this version and then also provides an update to switch to the new Qt version. At the moment, V-Play uses Qt 5.9 and Qt Creator 4.3.0.
It is generally recommended to go with a new Qt version, unless it is not stable enough and there are some problems. It is also possible to get V-Play support for other Qt versions in that case, e.g. with a support package or the included support hours of the paid plans.