Debug libs are linked to release version of the app
Installation and Deployment
I have the following section in my PRO file:
win32 { debug { LIBS += libEGLd.lib libGLESv2d.lib } release { LIBS += libEGL.lib libGLESv2.lib } }
when I build my app in Win32 32bit release configuration in QtCreator, libGLESv2d.lib is linked to the app, see the picture:
QMake version 3.1
Qt version 5.9.1 -
Where are these libraries stored in your computer ?
Hi @SGaist !
They are ANGLE QT libraries. DLLs in C:\Qt\Qt5.9.1\5.9.1\msvc2015\bin\ and LIBS in C:\Qt\Qt5.9.1\5.9.1\msvc2015\lib, I use them directly, because I am not sure there is ANGLE module for QMake.Still cannot figure out how it works, if I specify the libraries with CMake like this:
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} debug ${ANGLE_LIB_DIR}libEGLd.lib debug ${ANGLE_LIB_DIR}libGLESv2d.lib optimized ${ANGLE_LIB_DIR}libEGL.lib optimized ${ANGLE_LIB_DIR}libGLESv2.lib)
and then run
msbuild MyApp.sln /p:Configuration=Release
the libs are linked correctly.