Strange selectionModel()->selectedRows() problem.
Can someone give me a heads up on why the following code would stop working after adding data to a SQL database?
QModelIndexList selectedRows = ui->equipmentTableWidget->selectionModel()->selectedRows();
This function is inside a slot that is called when the selections are changed. It returns the proper values until I add information to the table and update a SQL database. After that selectedRows.count() is always 0 until I exit the program and start over again. At this point it works fine but if I add another item to the table and database it starts returning 0 again.
Using windows 7 with QT 5.9.1 and minGW compiler.
Can you show the code you wrote that interacts with the model and database ?
Here is the code that calls the dialog and adds to the database.
void MainWindow::processNewEquipment() { equipmentDialog dialog; if(dialog.exec() == dialog.Accepted) { QSqlQuery sql; sql.prepare(EQUIPMENT_TABLE_INSERT); sql.bindValue(":equipmentID", dialog.getEquipmentID()); sql.bindValue(":equipmentDescription", dialog.getEquipmentDescription()); sql.bindValue(":equipmentIDNumber", dialog.getEquipmentIDNumber()); sql.bindValue(":equipmentPurchaseMileage", dialog.getEquipmentPurchaseMileage()); sql.bindValue(":equipmentCurrentMileage", dialog.getEquipmentCurrentMileage()); sql.bindValue(":equipmentCurrentOperator", dialog.getEquipmentCurrentOperator()); sql.bindValue(":equipmentPurchasePrice", dialog.getEquipmentPurchasePrice()); sql.bindValue(":equipmentExpenses", dialog.getEquipmentExpenses()); sql.bindValue(":equipmentIncomeGenerated", dialog.getEquipmentIncomeGenerated()); sql.bindValue(":equipmentLicenseNumber", dialog.getEquipmentLicenseNumber()); sql.bindValue(":equipmentNotes", dialog.getEquipmentNotes()); if(sql.exec()) { QMessageBox::information(this, "processNewEquipment", tr("New Equipment added to the database!")); loadEquipmentDatabase(); } else QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error:: "), sql.lastError().text()); } }
And this is the code that loads the table.
void MainWindow::loadEquipmentDatabase() { QSqlQueryModel * model = new QSqlQueryModel(); QSqlQuery * sql = new QSqlQuery(); sql->prepare(EQUIPMENT_TABLE_READ_ALL); if(sql->exec()) { model->setQuery(*sql); ui->equipmentTableWidget->setModel(model); } else QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error::"), sql->lastError().text()); }
Each time you call
you create a new model, why ? Just replace the query. By the way why are you allocating the QSqlQuery object on the heap ?
By the way, why not callmodel->setQuery(EQUIPMENT_TABLE_READ_ALL)
? -
- move
QSqlQueryModel * model = new QSqlQueryModel();
in the constructor - change
- change
QSqlQuery * sql = new QSqlQuery();
toQSqlQuery sql;
- move
Hi and thanks for the info, however ui->equipmentTableWidget->model()->setQuery(sql); generates the following error.
error: 'class QAbstractItemModel' has no member named 'setQuery' ui->equipmentTableWidget->model()->setQuery(EQUIPMENT_TABLE_READ_ALL); ^
So what I did was per your advice moved the suggested code to the constructor. then in my loadEquipmentDatabase() function I placed
QSqlQueryModel *model = qobject_cast<QSqlQueryModel*>(ui->equipmentTableWidget->model()); if(model) model->setQuery(EQUIPMENT_TABLE_READ_ALL);
Not sure if that is the proper way but it works as expected now.