[Solved] Self contained objects
Hi alfah,
Yes it is possible to use a QWidget as a class in another form, widget...
Qt Creator has a nice way of giving that funcitonality to you :
Menu file > New file or project > Choose for Qt under files and classes on the left and then select on the right : Qt designer form class. Then next and choose as template : widget. the h, cpp and ui files will be set up for you and added to your pro file.You can alter your ui file using Designer and you can use your class in any other widget, form, mainwindow, QTabWidget ...
hey eddy:)
was jus wondering why i din see posts from you.ok now,
All the forms in my project are created in the same manner as you have said using the Qt creator. This is what im trying to achieve*- I will have a mainTab form with a class. The form would have jus have 3 tabs, Calender, History and Statistics.
*- My project already has three forms with 3 classes CalenderForm, HistoryForm and StatForm.
*- Opening each form in each tab( as you mentioned in one of my earlier threads looks like bad GUI programming),so i was thinking if these three forms/classes can give some kinda container/layout with all the widgets, May be then i can put these into each tab in the mainform.But the way you suggested would mean i will have to once again open forms in the mainTab right?
atleast a work around would do.
P.S i know this post is a bit too long
[quote author="alfah" date="1312442198"]hey eddy:) was jus wondering why i din see posts from you. [/quote]
I was still sleeping ;) It's good to be missed ;)
What I suggest to do is make a small compilable program for you including the things you like to do with the QTabWidget, ui files and so on. so you can study it. Ok?
here it is : "link ":http://dl.dropbox.com/u/33544011/testAlfah.zip
This is what I did :
I made a new GUI QDialog based project
I opened the ui file and added a QTabWidget to it and a layout.Then I added a class based on a ui : myCalendar
I opened the myCalendar.ui file in Qt Creator and added 3 buttons with a layout.
Now this class is ready to be used elsewhere.In the constructor of the dialog class I added the following code :
@ myCalendar * cal = new myCalendar(); //make an instance of my class
QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout(ui->tab); //add a layout
lay ->addWidget(cal);@
When you run you will see your myCalendar class in the first tab.If you have any questions, please use this example to ask specific questions.
ok questions :)
- Dialog class has Qwidget as parent right. now if i have a class named , say , myForm which has QMainWindows as parent. would this be still possible???
- When i run application on C7, it jus fills half the screen, is it cuz Dialog has widget as parent?. Can this be solved by making QMainWindows as the parent of Dialog
I think you are mixing up things. parent is not the same as inheriting from...
@Dialog::Dialog(QWidget *parent) :
QDialog(parent), // this can be a QMainWindow
ui(new Ui::Dialog)@The dialog class is derived from QDialog. You could use a QmainWindow for that of course.
Hi Alfah,
You are lucky I came back here. I notice you have added a question in your previous post. Please use the "Post a reply" editor to ask more questions, otherwise we probably will not see them. ;)
Anyway about your second question :
bq. 2. When i run application on C7, it jus fills half the screen, is it cuz Dialog has widget as parent?. Can this be solved by making QMainWindows as the parent of Dialog
I didn't see until now you were using mobile.
It's better to use a mobile based project instead of the GUI one I suggested you before. In that case your window will be maximized automatically for you. I tested it with Symbian^3 and the emulator since I don't have a C7. But the general principles you learned are the same. -
oops sorry :)
I tried to create a new application jus like the example with MainWindow.cpp,MainWindow.ui and MainWindow.h and form1.cpp,form1.ui,form1.h.
These are of QMainWindow. I have pulled in a tabwidget into MainWindow.ui.
The problem is im not able to use tabWidget.
u;.tabwidget is not recognized :( :(
when ui-> is typed i get only options like centralWidget,MainWindow.So im stuck. Feel like its some silly error
I have filed a bug report "QTCREATORBUG-5730":https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-5730 for this behaviour .
I you encounter that too, please vote for it to get it resolved.
To vote you have to register first. unfortunately you cannot use the same username and password as in the devnet forum.
bq. i closed and opened the creator and I got the widgets!!!!
did you have any other projects open in Qt Creator? I ask to analyse a bit more when this occurs.
And could you please set the title to solved by editing it and adding [Solved] in front of it?