QtQuick - QtGraphicalEffects issue
Are you building for a static platform (iOS in particular)? I've run into a similar issue there with 5.7 & 5.8, but only got around to prodding it a bit now (spent a lot of time thinking it was a problem with my own plugins... but it seems to be the QtGraphicalEffects which is the fundamental problem). See https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-57205 .
I've builded Qt 5.9.1 from source targeting Linux A20 Allwinner Olinuxino Micro. Everything works fine, but only QtGraphicalEffects lack of plugins.qmltypes file. But i have so libraries. Rest of qml plugins are OK. Probably You're right - I've foud this bug reported in Qt5.4 and 5.5 too
More details. After compiling i have directory .../qt/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/. Inside this directory are stored qml files and also libqtgraphicaleffectsplugin.so. I guess all i need is plugins.qmltypes. So my question is why during compiling process plugins.qmltypes was'nt created?
@python74 Is qmltypes actually that important? The plugin docs at http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtqml-modules-qmldir.html say (my bold):
QML modules may refer to one or more type information files in their qmldir file. These usually have the .qmltypes extension and are read by external tools to gain information about types defined in plugins.
As such qmltypes files have no effect on the functionality of a QML module. Their only use is to allow tools such as Qt Creator to provide code completion, error checking and other functionality to users of your module.
So it sounds to me like the lack of a qmltypes might be an obstacle to doing QtCreator UI designs using QtGraphicalEffects (assuming that's the sort of thing it's supposed to facilitate) but not to simply using the plugin functionality in a Qt app.