Blender Qt3D addon export error
I am trying to export animation from blender to json Qt3D format with Qt addon. Tried blender 2.72, 2.78, exporting just single simple rotating cube, complex model with animation and even empty file. In all cases I got same error:
I am not familiar with python so where the problem could be? Or are there any other ways to play 3D animation via Qt C++?
@RandomCodeGenerator I'm not sure why you're asking a question about a Blender problem in Qt forum?
@jsulm Because it's not blender problem. Problem is about qt addon for blender which is used for qt3d and located in qt tools repository
Sorry for the questions if that has nothing to do with qt.
@RandomCodeGenerator OK, I see now. Maybe you should ask the authors of that plug-in? Or even submit I bug.
Hello, how to solve this problem? Could you please tell me the answer, thanks in advance!