Unable to build DiffImg project
I'm trying to build DiffImg project (https://sourceforge.net/projects/diffimg/) without luck. I've got many errors so I don't know if I'm wrong about use or version of QT I'm using.
Can you help me? -
hi and welcome
It is kinda hard to help you when there is no
the actual errors ( at least some of them )
What platform and Qt version and the compiler you try with. Linux ;)?
It needs OpenCV
Did you download that external library , and made sure it matches the compiler you are using or
did you compile it yourself ? -
Well, I'm using Windows 8.1.
I'm using QT 4.8.6. Furthermore, I've downloaded mingw32 and I've setted that tool as compiler.
Actually, my error is:
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, cp c:\Qt\4.8.6\translations\qt_fr.qm ../lang/, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified. -
@bitsystem said in Unable to build DiffImg project:
Are you using an external mingw compiler ?
(as in, not the one that comes with Qt ? )And what about openCV ?
Did you compile it yourself ? -
I'm new with QT and I'm sorry for my simple question..but..
As far as I know, QT doesn't provide any compiler.It suggest me to use VC++ runtime (I've Visual studio), but in that case I get many other errors.
Searching on google, someone suggest me to download mingw (I don't remember where I did take it).
In fact, after use that tool, I've got one error only. -
the mingw Qt comes with compiler and debugger :)
( or at least in 5.x series. :)Sorry
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, cp c:\Qt\4.8.6\translations\qt_fr.qm ../lang/, ...) failed.not sure what that is.
I really would appreciate if you can provide me info in order to compile successfully this project:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/diffimg/Can you help me?
The readme says- Windows (tested on XP/Seven x64)
Opencv and qwt are bundled for practicality
Use qtcreator, cmake or the Visual Qt plugin
There a NSI script for building a setup.exe file in the setup directoryBut it fails to mention which visual studio it expects and Qt 4.8.X seems to want 2008 or 2010
https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/4.8/4.8.7/I dont think mingw is supported at all.
It needs the following libs which seems more happy about VS than mingw on windows.
I only have vs2015 installed and that did not work well as i only have Qt5.X installed so tons of
Qt4->Qt5 errors.So to build it, i think you need a working Qt4.8.7 + visual studio 2010 installed.
(or spend the time porting it to newer Qt + vs compiler)You could also compile your own Qt with other vs compiler.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32848962/how-to-build-qt-4-8-6-with-visual-studio-2015-without-official-supportWhat VS do you have installed?
Ok, with Qt 4.8.6/7 ?
Unless you want to port it to Qt5, then you will need a Qt4 that works with vs2015
There is none to download. so you must build it yourself and i just tried and it gave errors so
might be up hill.Any change you can get vs2010 ?
Well it will be easier as Qt4.8.X has a vs2010 version
so with a bit of luck. it will just work.
https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/4.8/4.8.7/qt-opensource-windows-x86-vs2010-4.8.7.exeThe build docs for linux mentions Qt4 so I assume its that version.
Qt 4 is really not that hard to compile on Windows, you should go on with VS2015 and build the whole thing.
Depending on what you need that project for, there might be more recent alternatives.
SGaist, what do you mean?
Simply, I need to build and run the project I've linked.
As I've already saym I've VS 2015 installed, however it seems impossible to build that project because many errors occurs (please, see all thread).If you are right, you should be able to compile DiffImg project, if so, please, tell me how you do this :)
@bitsystem You're using Qt 4 this is not working with VS2015 as it was built with an older VS (different Microsoft compiler are not compatible with each other). @SGaist suggested you to compile Qt 4 by yourself with VS2015 if you want to use VS2015.
you tried to compile or own version of Qt ? -
That should work pretty ok.
You are not showing the actual errors you get so its hard to see if we are close or far,far away.You did install the Qt 4.8 - 2010 version yes?
(qt-opensource-windows-x86-vs2010-4.8.7.exe) -
Ok, I'll tell you every step I've done:
1 - Build on root project with error: cannot open file 'opencv_imgproc.lib'
2 - So, manually I go on 3rdparty folder and copy all *.lib files within "debug" folder I've defined, then I try to build again, but I get another error: cannot open file z.lib.
3 - I notice that doesn't exists any z.lib, instead I've a library which name is zlib.lib. So, manually, I open Makefile.apps.Debug file, and replace z.lib occurence with zlib.lib. Then, I try to build one time again and I get two errors:
tiff.lib(tif_win32.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__MessageBoxA@16 referenced in function _Win32WarningHandler
tiff.lib(tif_win32.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__MessageBoxA@16 referenced in function _Win32WarningHandler
So, at this poin I really don't know what could I try again..