Hi ,
I use Qt 5.9 and I want to use Qt remote Object I've read the documentation on :https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt5-5.9/qtremoteobjects-gettingstarted.html
according to this document for create host node without Regsitry I have to use:
QRemoteObjectNode srcNode = QRemoteObjectNode::createHostNode();
but there is no createHostNode function in QRemoteObjectNode in QT 5.9 , how can I creat host node?
You should rather use doc.qt.io since Qt 5.9 is out.
It looks like that part of the documentation has an error. You should check the bug report system to see if it's something known. If not then please consider opening a new report against the documentation for it to be fixed.
As for your problem, you should check the examples from the repository.
Grab the
sources and take a look at the example sources, it's shown there.