Prebuild Qt 32 Bit versions for Visual Studio 2017?
The Qt Installer only offers "msvc2017 64-bit", "UWP x86 (MSVC2017)" and "UWP x64 (MSVC2017)" versions for Qt 5.9, but no "msvc2017 32-bit" version.
It seems the 32 bit Qt versions build for Visual Sudio 2015 works with Visual Studio 2017 too. I tested this with Qt 5.6.2 "msvc2015 32-bit" from the Qt Installer. The program compiles with VS 2017 and it seems to work without problems. So the question is, can the Qt 32 bit versions build for Visual Studio 2015 be used for Visual Studio 2017 without problems too? Are the compilers of VS2015 and VS 2017 ABI compatible?
Hi @blgis
VS 2015 and 2017 are binary compatible. That is an official claim by Microsoft. You can read some statements (and self-praise :-) about it in the VS blog:
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Yes, VS2017 is the first version of Visual Studio that is backward compatible but only with VS2015.
@Suppaman said in Prebuild Qt 32 Bit versions for Visual Studio 2017?:
why a 64 bit version of libraries for VS2017 has been released
Why not?
If 64bit build for VS2017 would not be there than many people would ask "why isn't it available? How can I use Qt with VS2017?..." -
Because that's the current officially supported compiler by Microsoft and while being binary compatible, these two compilers are different with new features supported and bug fixes going in VS2017.
@kwLininger said in Prebuild Qt 32 Bit versions for Visual Studio 2017?:
Searching for a reason for the lack of a 32 bit msvc2017 is what brought me here.
The reason is simply the lack of resouces. if you provide a installer, you not only have to compile and package it, but you also have to test the package. this is also a manual task and has to be repeatet for IIRC 5 installers on Windows currently.
Nevertheless, you can of course compile your own 32 bit version yourself.
But I don't think this is only because of "resources". E.g: UWP is also available for (MSVC2017 32 and 64 bit)
So, if any Qt guy would read this.....please add a 32-bit Visual Studio 2017 version too. This is a blocker for us and we want to use the online installer and not to build it manually by ourself. We are also commercial customers. -
@NoRulez said in Prebuild Qt 32 Bit versions for Visual Studio 2017?:
But I don't think this is only because of "resources". E.g: UWP is also available for (MSVC2017 32 and 64 bit)
So, if any Qt guy would read this.....please add a 32-bit Visual Studio 2017 version too. This is a blocker for us and we want to use the online installer and not to build it manually by ourself. We are also commercial customers.Then you should state this to the Qt support. This is a community driven user-to-user forum; we cannot help you in that regard.
@NoRulez yes it is, there are lots of discussions around that topic on the mailing lists.
Do you realise how many packages are released for Windows only ? Currently, MinGW32, MSVC2015 32bit, MSVC2017 64bit, Android, WinRT. All of them are tested by people before being released. The CI is already under heavy pressure to do all the integration builds as well as the packages content creation. VS2017 being backward compatible with VS2015 you can use it with the 32bit build of Qt.
Dear @SGaist
I am trying to use grpc in QT.
I met the link error below (sorry that it's Chinese...):
crypto.lib(windows.obj):-1: error: LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 _SystemFunction036@8,该符号在函数 _CRYPTO_sysrand 中被引用Actually crypto.lib was build via VS2017 Win32 according to the grpc document(the part "cmake: Using Visual Studio 2015 or 2017..."), however, since there is no Kit for VS2017 32 bit, so I use Kit 2015 32 bit instead and get this link error.
So it seems that we still net QT 32 bit for VS2017... am I right?
Any insight would be very much appreciated![edit: moved all answers to newly created thread]
We are working on a WebEngine project and I like to upgrade to Qt 5.11 We want to release 32bit and 64 bit on windows.
It seems MSVC 2013 and 2015 are no longer supported when building Qt Engine.
"Qt WebEngine on Windows now requires MSVC 2017 to compile"
Does this mean 64bit only?
Just build Qt by your own to get 32Bit with VS2017.