(QCameraImageProcessing )the function "setCorlorFilter()" and "setWhiteBalanceMode()" does not work
General and Desktop
I can use the QCameraImageProcessing to change the camera' s Contrast , SharpeningLevel,Brightness,but i can not changed the colorfilter and the WhiteBalanceMode. (the function "setCorlorFilter()" and "setWhiteBalanceMode()" does not work as what i think)
i used the QCamera ,QCameraImageCapture,QCameraViewfinder,i don't know how to slove this bug. -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Not all backends support every operations.
You should check with the isWhiteBalanceModeSupported and isColorFilterSupported methods.
Like I wrote before, it depends on the backend.
What you can do ? Check which backend you are using. Once identified, whether the feature you need can be implemented there and if so, implement the missing parts and contribute them back to Qt.