Can't resolve hostname from ip adress QHostInfo::fromName(IP)
Hello everyone,
I try to make a really simple program who return the host name on a network from it ip address.
Unfortunately every ip I tried return only the is the code :
QHostInfo HI = QHostInfo::fromName(""); // this PC hostname is "deian8-trb"
qDebug() << HI.hostName(); // display ""I try with lookupHost but the result are the same.
Did someone have an idea of the problem ?
Did you try localHostName?
From your description it looks like you should be using lookupHost.
Do you have an upToDate host file on your computer ?
On Windows 7%systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\host
Or On Linux Systems
If not, i think that's the DNS in charge of name resolution. So the DNS have to provide name resolution for your local network.
Thanks, I've check the linux host file, it seem to be ok (I test with a windows and linux machine).
But still the same :(Now I need to see the IT guy for the DNS.
Thanks for your help.