QtCreator Add Library doesn't work
I wanna add existing library to my plain c++ project. But, when i click the Add Library button, nothings happens. Add Library dialog doesn't open. Why could it be? -
@kovanciemre I can reproduce this on Windows 7 with QtCreator 4.3!
A regression? -
@kovanciemre Fixed in QtCreator 4.3.1
@kovanciemre From where did you download it? As far as I know 4.3.1 wasn't released yet and the bug is still open.
@kovanciemre For now you can add the lib manually - it is not hard and you will learn how it works :-)
@jsulm yeah i know 4.3.1 wasn't released, but there is a link, what is this?
http://download.qt.io/snapshots/qtcreator/ -
@kovanciemre It's a snapshot - that means it is NOT final 4.3.1 and does not necessarily contain all fixes which the final version will contain.