QTabWidget tab with splitter
I am using code to generate new tabs in my QTabWidget. I managed to get the content I want but I cannot make it fill the tab. In all the examples I looked it seems to be the default behaviour but nor for me. Here is the code I use to generate the content of the tab:
QWidget *page = new QWidget; QSplitter * editorSplitter = new QSplitter(page); QBoxLayout * tabLayout = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight); editorSplitter->addWidget(editor); editorSplitter->addWidget(finder); finder->hide(); int index = ui->tabWidget->insertTab(ui->tabWidget->count()-1, page, "opening..."); ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(index); ui->tabWidget->widget(index)->setLayout(tabLayout);
editor and finder are to classes I made myself. Editor derived from QPlainTextEdit and finder is a QWidget I created as Qt Designer Form Class to create a search dialog.
The right thing to do is probably to set the splitter as central widget but QWidget has no centralWidget. Setting a layout does not help either, so what am I doing wrong?
I've been doing some additional research. There is no example out there with a QTabWidet and a QSplitter. If I try to add a splitter in Designer it is not possible because the splitter option is greyed out. Is it not allowed to have a splitter on a tab? -
Why not put your splitter in
Also, why not put editorSplitter directly in the QTabWidget ? -
- Designer it is not possible because the splitter option is greyed out. Is it not allowed to have a splitter on a tab?
Place 2 Widgets first, select both, then Splitter is available.
Sorry for the noob question. I did not understand the splitter and tab concept correctly. I thought I had to create a page widget first and then put in the things I want.
QSplitter * editorSplitter = new QSplitter(page); editorSplitter->addWidget(editor); editorSplitter->addWidget(finder); finder->hide(); int index = ui->tabWidget->insertTab(ui->tabWidget->count()-1, editorSplitter, "opening..."); ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(index);
Is all it takes to put the splitter in the tab widget.
Thanks for the help though!