Performance trend in Jenkins
Is there a way to get QBENCHMARK performance trend in Jenkins? There is a few Jenkins plugins for that purpose but their input formats are not available under QTest unit test applications output choices.
Thanks -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What format are they using ?
Thank you SGaist
Each Jenkins performance plugin uses different formats. For example, the following plugin uses this format : DTD report
Unfortunetly, the XUnit format (option -xunitxml) of the QTest applications don't output any benchmark data while Jenkins plugins could use it.
The options : -csv -xml -lightxml outputs benchmark data but I didn't found any Jenkins plugin for those formats.
Is there a converter somewhere ?
Yes that's right. Jenkins unit test plugins can process -xml output. It works fine. But Jenkins performance plugins dont recognize this format.
If there is not way to get benchmark trend running in Jenkins, maybe I could develop a converter. Something like this :
$ ./myQtTests -x lightxml | ./myConverter > supportedJenkinsPluginFormat.xml
... unfortunately, it's very time consuming :(
If someone else know a better solution...