System function doesn't work anymore after deploy
Hey, I'm using curl. I have the following code been used to send an email:
QString cmd = "curl smtp:// -v --mail-from \"\" --mail-rcpt \"\" --ssl -u \"msg.txt\" -k --anyauth"; const char* ccmd = cmd.toStdString().c_str(); WinExec(ccmd, SW_HIDE);
It works fine in Qt Creator Debug but when I "Deploy" it, it doesn't work anymore. Here is how I deployed it. { Qt Console >> cd <MyPathToMyProject> >> windeployqt --gui . } Thanks for your help...
May be some dll's and libraries will be missing.
make sure curl have all needed dlls also.
@VRonin Because I didn't find any code for libcurl in c++... And I'm using WinExec because I had no idea QProcess existed. I'll google that and try replacing it with that... @Vinod-Kuntoji @mrjj I use the same that in debug, it should work...
@RekTek249 said in System function doesn't work anymore after deploy:
Because I didn't find any code for libcurl in c++.
It's literally on libcurl's website:
- I use the same that in debug, it should work...
When you run the app in Creator (both release/debug) it has a runtime environment setup including paths for dlls etc.
When you run it outside in a folder, its not setup same way.
You could use
to see if any is listed as missing.
I would examine the curl.exe first to see what it needs.windeployqt cannot know if curls need anything to run as its external app.
@RekTek249 said in System function doesn't work anymore after deploy:
QString cmd = "curl smtp:// -v --mail-from "" --mail-rcpt "" --ssl -u "msg.txt" -k --anyauth";
const char* ccmd = cmd.toStdString().c_str();One note: why do you create a QString first and then a char*? The QString in this case isn't needed, just do:
char* cmd = "curl smtp:// -v --mail-from \"\" --mail-rcpt \"\" --ssl -u \"msg.txt\" -k --anyauth";