Example of Virtual Keyboard showing in different languages
Can the example be run in different langauge, the language button is not enabled.
How can be achieved?Thanks,
I have tried running the virtual keyboard example , the support of languages button is not enabled,
Is the virtual keyboard support enabled for Different languages,?.Below is the link of the screenshot ,
I will give a try,
i just added CONFIG+=lang-fi_FI to .pro file,
Still no update, how can i achieve this
I am using Qt 5.7, also have Qt 5.8, and Windows 10.Is their any other way how i can achieve?.
To what .pro file did you add that
entry ? -
I added to the virtualkeyboard.pro,
Qt\Qt5.8\Examples\Qt-5.8\virtualkeyboard,Is this the right place, to add ?.
No. You have a wrong way. Read the document again. That .pro is in the plugin source(src/virtualkeyboard/virtualkeyboard.pro).
Sorry now i got it ,
path : Qt\Qt5.8\5.8\Src\qtvirtualkeyboard\examples\virtualkeyboard\basic is app to run.
path : Qt\Qt5.8\5.8\Src\qtvirtualkeyboard\src\virtualkeyboard is the plugin to which we need to change and check,
am i right?.
Yes, you are right.
First, make(qmake & make) plugin and then install. -
Install means?. its a plugin, need ti install plugin to the other basic.pro
path : Qt\Qt5.8\5.8\Src\qtvirtualkeyboard\examples\virtualkeyboard\basic is app to run.
I assume you are using Windows & minGW.
Try the following procedure.- Open the Command window (aka Qt 5.8 for Desktop...)
- Move to the plugin dir. (cd Qt\Qt5.8\5.8\Src\qtvirtualkeyboard\src/virtualkeyboard)
- Add the "CONFIG += lang-fi_FI" in virtualkeyboard.pro and save.
- Run qmake
- Run mingw32-make
- Run mingw32-make install
- Rebuild your exampls and run.
i followed the steps in command prompt as u mentioned , i git the button enabled and the respective keyboard in Finnish i guess, please find the link below of the screenshot,
Thanks man,
So now i will try for all the languages,
Hi ,
I tried arabic by changing in .pro, CONFIG+=lang-ar_AR,
and chinese using CONFIG+=lang-zh_TW,below is the link of the screenshot of chinese keyboard,
but for lang-zh_CN, i didnt get the keyboard in chinese, any specific reason?.
Just a wild guess but do you have any fonts that supports these characters ?
Nope, do we need to install in some respective path?.
In your target font folder AFAIK.
I don't think it's installed font problem.
Also i don't know PinyinInputMethod( lang-zh_CN), TCInputMethod(lang-zh_TW) and chinese languages.
But, there are difference between the two features provided by QtVirtualKeyboard.
Please compare the two source codes below.
I think the layout for zh_CN is strange.Qt\Qt5.8\5.8\Src\qtvirtualkeyboard\src\virtualkeyboard\content\layouts\zh_CN\main.qml
I have question regarding the virtual keyboard topic mentioned before and especially for the chinese one. How can I get the upper frame of the keyboard layout for the additional chinese letters.
Is it just a word prediction with hunspell or is it an independent mechanism to show additional letters depending on the current selected one?I tried the virtual keyboard example with all languages. But with simplified chinese I have only normal alpha numeric letters like at the official QT link. But they can chose a chinese letter if they typed in some alpha numeric ones.
you can see an example here (Pinyin keyboard layout, Zhuyin keyboard layout, Cangjie keyboard layout):
again after few days when i try to do the same thing, follow the same steps through command prompt,
1 Open the Command window (aka Qt 5.8 for Desktop...)
2 Move to the plugin dir. (cd Qt\Qt5.8\5.8\Src\qtvirtualkeyboard\src/virtualkeyboard)
3 Add the "CONFIG += lang-fi_FI" in virtualkeyboard.pro and save.
4 Run qmake
5 Run mingw32-make
6 Run mingw32-make install
7 Rebuild your exampls and runThe button is not enabled for respective language. and i am using
path : Qt\Qt5.8\5.8\Src\qtvirtualkeyboard\examples\virtualkeyboard\basic is app to run.
path : Qt\Qt5.8\5.8\Src\qtvirtualkeyboard\src\virtualkeyboard is the plugin to which we need to change and check,
any clue what i am doing wrong, few days back i tried it worked, now i dnt know what happened?.