QtCreator on Vista
Qt Creator does not support Vista. That said, had anybody manage to get it running on Vista? I am getting "could not find or load the qt platform plugin windows" if I run v4.2.1 , it is probably because of shipped DLLs require W7 but I have not too much clue. -
@jsulm can I do it without compiling Qt, using distributed binaries?
https://github.com/qtproject/qt-creator - following this manual now. Running
qmake qt-creator.pro && mingw32-make
gives me:
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: core core-private network script gui xml
Something is terribly wrong.
What exact version of Qt are you using to compile Qt Creator ?
On an unrelated note, Windows Vista has reached EOL in april this year.
Might be unrelated but where did you install Qt ?
Can you build a default application from Qt Creator ?
What errors are you getting when starting Qt Creator ?
Can you check the plugin with Dependency Walker ?