How to stop Qt using evaluation license
I started development with an evaluation license while the purchase of a commercial license was approved. I got the commercial license through a couple of weeks ago. Now I cannot make Qt use the commercial license - it still uses the evaluation license, which will expire in a couple of weeks:
"Qt 5.4.1 Evaluation License
Copyright (C) 2015 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
This trial version may only be used for evaluation purposes"I've tried the following:
After finding an old forum post ([]), I have downloaded the .qt-license file and replaced it in C:\Users<my name>.
I have reinstalled Qt, entering the details for the commercial license.
I have searched my drive for all occurrences of the evaluation license number, finding none.
Where else can I look? Any ideas gratefully received!
Since you have a commercial license you should be entitled to get commercial support. Did you ask there?
Why are you using an old version of Qt? We have already Qt 5.8?
When did you get the evaluation license? It still says 2015? -
@koahnig Thanks for responding. I've also posted a support query. My experience is that user communities often provide accurate help quicker.
It's a project that I've inherited. Upgrading Qt to the latest is high on my list, but in the meantime I have to maintain what is there without introducing extra risk. I got the evaluation license about two weeks ago. It's just for an old version, hence 2015 in the copyright notice, I guess.
AFAIR The license key information should be in your Qt Account.
Log in first and then you can see the status of everything you're entitled to.Did you hear from Qt support already?
Following the support FAQ, I also deleted the registry key HKCU\Software\Digia\LicenseManager. This didn't solve it. Hopefully support will come through with something; I'm tearing what's left of my hair out here.
@Paul-Thompson AppData is a hidden directory by default...
In windows explorer @ C:\Users\[USERNAME]\ ... Press ALT + V (View menu) then press HH (h key 2 times).
@6thC said in How to stop Qt using evaluation license:
@Paul-Thompson AppData is a hidden directory by default...
In windows explorer @ C:\Users\[USERNAME]\ ... Press ALT + V (View menu) then press HH (h key 2 times).
Thanks. I have hidden folders and files displayed already. That format of Qt license file came in with a later version of Qt than I have, I think.
Oh I see. I'm using Qt Creator 4.2.2 and Qt 5.8
The format of qtlicenses.ini in the directory above is:
[License<LICENSE_NUMBER_HERE>] Licensee=<LICENSED_NAME_HERE> LicenseKeyExt=<QT4_KEY> Qt5LicenseKey=<QT5_KEY>
[License1234567] Licensee=Smith John LicenseKeyExt=1234-123-123-123-12345-12345-1234 Qt5LicenseKey=123-123-123-123-12345-12345-1234
I migrate from eval to Enterprise seamlessly. I'm using the online installer method though... I just have to sign in and have never worried about manually setting my license files etc...
@6thC said in How to stop Qt using evaluation license:
Oh I see. I'm using Qt Creator 4.2.2 and Qt 5.8
The format of qtlicenses.ini in the directory above is:
[License<LICENSE_NUMBER_HERE>] Licensee=<LICENSED_NAME_HERE> LicenseKeyExt=<QT4_KEY> Qt5LicenseKey=<QT5_KEY>
[License1234567] Licensee=Smith John LicenseKeyExt=1234-123-123-123-12345-12345-1234 Qt5LicenseKey=123-123-123-123-12345-12345-1234
I migrate from eval to Enterprise seamlessly. I'm using the online installer method though... I just have to sign in and have never worried about manually setting my license files etc...
I envy you. I have installed 5.8.0 alongside for another purpose, but I'm stuck with the old tools and library for these other projects. For now! :-)
After working with a support tech, after various steps failed, I went to the last resort of uninstalling 5.4.1, clearing out the registry key and .qt-license again, and reinstalling. That seems to have done the trick.
Thanks for your help, everyone.