Using QtCreator IDE to develop STM32 applications on windows
I have followed instructions found on various sources how to set up QtCreator IDE to debug/develop STM32 applications. But currently I'm stuck generating STM32CubeMX project makefile with I get a bunch of errors in make file when trying to build. Could anyone point me to the right direction?
@jsulm I have compiler and set up kit. Now for make.exe I have downloaded setup from but now I believe I should set up environment variable to include make.exe so I could call make all. Is that correct?
After setting up OpenOCD so I could deploy and debug application and trying to debug application QtCreator crashed every time I stopped the debugging. But after checking the magic option "Use asynchronous mode to control the inferior" in Options>Debugger>GDB Extended it finally worked.
Oh and also I needed to install winusb drivers for st-link using zadig.Hope someone find this useful.