LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl cv::structured_light::SinusoidalPattern::Params::Params
@koahnig yes it occur first time.
@koahnig other library work fine.
Are you linking against the contribute module that contains structured_light ?
@SGaist yes...basically i pick this library from contribute module...because structure light library is not available in downloaded opencv..
Is this additional feature part of your project?
When the feature is still part of your project, then yiou need to compile and link it with your project, but that part is missing.
Or did you compile it and try to link it to your application?
When you have compiled it and made a separate library, you need to add the library for linking with the project.
Are you using Qt creator?
Are you using Qt creator?
In Qt creator you have a project file with the extension .pro
Check the entries in this file. There typically some entries like
SOURCES += main.cpp\ MainWindow.cpp \ MyRadio.cpp \ MyRadioLine.cpp \ MyLine.cpp HEADERS += MainWindow.h \ MyRadio.h \ MyRadioLine.h \ MyLine.h FORMS += MainWindow.ui
Under SOURCES all files for compilation have to be listed.
Under HEADERS all include files are listed.Most likely the source file with your source code of structured_light is missing.
If so, the source file is not compiled and cannot be linked to your application.