Signal/Slot not working
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Hi, I have an signal/slot pair that doesn't work as expected. Can anyone help me ?
There are three classes: InspectionHandler, CommandProcess and SerialPortCtrl
The class InspectionHandler and SerialPortCtrl are declared in main.cpp as followed:
SerialPortCtrl *serialPortCtrl = new SerialPortCtrl; InspectionHandler *inspectionHandler = new InspectionHandler(0); QObject::connect(serialPortCtrl, &SerialPortCtrl::sendResponseSignal, inspectionHandler, &InspectionHandler::receiveResponseSlot); QObject::connect(inspectionHandler, &InspectionHandler::sendRequestSignal, serialPortCtrl, &SerialPortCtrl::receiveRequestSlot);
And I declare the CommandProcess instance in the InspectionHandler constructor:
_commandProcessThread = new QThread(); _commandProcess = new CommandProcess(); _commandProcess->moveToThread(_commandProcessThread); QObject::connect(_commandProcess, SIGNAL(initCompletedSignal()), _commandProcessThread, SLOT(start())); QObject::connect(_commandProcessThread, SIGNAL(started()), _commandProcess, SLOT(processSlot())); QObject::connect(_commandProcess, &CommandProcess::sendRequestSignal, this, &InspectionHandler::receiveRequest); // ========= isConnected : true, but the connection does not really work ==================== bool isConnected = static_cast<bool>(QObject::connect(this, &InspectionHandler::sendResponse, _commandProcess, &CommandProcess::receiveResponseSlot), Qt::DirectConnection); // QObject::connect(_commandProcess, &CommandProcess::finishProcessSignal, _commandProcessThread, &QThread::quit); // QObject::connect(_commandProcessThread, &QThread::finished, _commandProcess, &CommandProcess::deleteLater); // QObject::connect(_commandProcessThread, &QThread::finished, _commandProcessThread, &QThread::deleteLater);
Several questions need your suggestion:
- The isConnected is true. However, the CommandProcess::receiveResponseSlot doesn't receive the signal from &InspectionHandler::sendResponse, do I make any mistake? The error could be resulted from multiThreading design ?
- Compare to the CommandProcess instance declared in InspectionHandler, I hope the control of serialport could be unique (as it is physically unique), so declare it as
SerialPortCtrl *serialPortCtrl = new SerialPortCtrl
in the main.cpp. Is it a good idea?
Can you show the signal and slot signatures ?
By the way, why are you static casting your connect call ?
already returns a bool.