Can we use CSS on QPushButton
I want to use CSS on my QPushButton as given in the following links.
@Swapnil_Shelke I don't think you get full CSS but there is quite a bit. Check out the documentation like for more information.
I'm not sure, but I don't think animation is supported in QT's StyleSheet,maybe someone can correct me here.What you could do is subclass QPushButton and define a bunch in intermediate state properties and define each one in the css. Than in the class, start a timer on button pressed that set the states to true, one after the other.
A lot of work but this should do it...
Maybe you would have a look at the Animation Framework.
Stylesheet is available with qt
But Animations properties are not available with qt
You can use stylesheet , add
and thenAnimate this
with the qt animation framework:
You can look at the first answer of this post:
Or instead of using stylesheet, i think that you can use
I think that you will need to use the you example
and then animate this effect with the qt animation framework
Hope this can help !
To create those kind of buttons you need more than CSS.
You must go into button's paintEvent and then draw what you need (there are 3 simultaneous animation BTW) :#include <QtCore/qvariantanimation.h> #include <QtCore/qvariant.h> #include <QtWidgets/qabstractbutton.h> #include <QtWidgets/qapplication.h> #include <QtWidgets/qlayout.h> class Animation : public QVariantAnimation { Q_OBJECT public: Animation(QObject *parent = 0) :QVariantAnimation(parent) { setTargetWidget(qobject_cast<QWidget*>(parent)); setAutoUpdateEnable(true); } void setAutoUpdateEnable(bool a) { if (targetWidget()) { a ? QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QVariant)), targetWidget(), SLOT(update())) : QObject::disconnect(this, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QVariant)), targetWidget(), SLOT(update())); } } QWidget *targetWidget() const { return _target; } void setTargetWidget(QWidget *w) { _target = w; } QVariant value() const { return _value; } void setValue(const QVariant &variant) { if (_value == variant) return; _value = variant; } protected: void updateCurrentValue(const QVariant &value) override { setValue(value); } private: QVariant _value; QWidget *_target = nullptr; }; class SampleButton :public QAbstractButton { public: struct ButtonStyle { qreal border_radius = 4.0; QColor background_color = QColor("#f4511e"); QColor text_color = QColor("#ffffff"); int font_size = 28; QString font_family = "Arial"; int width = 200; int padding = 20; qreal hover_padding = 25; int duration = 600; QIcon icon = QIcon("next.png"); // @16x16 qreal pixmap_padding = 20; }; SampleButton(const QString &text, QWidget *parent = 0) :QAbstractButton(parent), _textEff(new Animation(this)), _pixmapEff0(new Animation(this)), _pixmapEff1(new Animation(this)) { setFont(QFont(_st.font_family, _st.font_size)); setText(text); } QSize sizeHint() const override { return QSize(_st.width, _st.padding + fontMetrics().height() + _st.padding); } protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) override { QPainter p(this); // draw background p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(_st.background_color); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); p.drawRoundedRect(rect(), _st.border_radius, _st.border_radius); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); // draw text if (!text().isEmpty()) { p.setFont(font()); p.setPen(_st.text_color); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing, true); p.drawText(QRectF(rect().x() - _textEff->value().toReal(), rect().y(), rect().width(), rect().height()), Qt::AlignCenter, text()); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing, false); } // draw icon if (!_st.icon.isNull()) { p.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, true); auto s = _st.icon.availableSizes().at(0); p.setOpacity(_pixmapEff0->value().toReal()); p.drawPixmap(QPointF(rect().right() - (_st.pixmap_padding * 2) - _pixmapEff1->value().toReal(), rect().center().y() - s.width() / 4), _st.icon.pixmap(s)); } } void enterEvent(QEvent *e) { _textEff->setStartValue(0.0); _textEff->setEndValue(_st.hover_padding); _textEff->setDuration(_st.duration); _textEff->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::OutCubic); _textEff->start(); _pixmapEff0->setStartValue(0.0); _pixmapEff0->setEndValue(1.0); _pixmapEff0->setDuration(_st.duration); _pixmapEff0->setEasingCurve(_textEff->easingCurve()); _pixmapEff0->start(); _pixmapEff1->setStartValue(0.0); _pixmapEff1->setEndValue(_st.pixmap_padding); _pixmapEff1->setDuration(_st.duration); _pixmapEff1->setEasingCurve(_textEff->easingCurve()); _pixmapEff1->start(); QWidget::enterEvent(e); } void leaveEvent(QEvent *e) { _textEff->setStartValue(_st.hover_padding); _textEff->setEndValue(0.0); _textEff->setDuration(_st.duration); _textEff->start(); _pixmapEff0->setStartValue(1.0); _pixmapEff0->setEndValue(0.0); _pixmapEff0->setDuration(_st.duration); _pixmapEff0->start(); _pixmapEff1->setStartValue(_st.pixmap_padding); _pixmapEff1->setEndValue(0.0); _pixmapEff1->setDuration(_st.duration); _pixmapEff1->setEasingCurve(_textEff->easingCurve()); _pixmapEff1->start(); QWidget::leaveEvent(e); } private: ButtonStyle _st; Animation *_textEff = nullptr; Animation *_pixmapEff0 = nullptr; Animation *_pixmapEff1 = nullptr; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QWidget *dialog = new QWidget; dialog->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); QHBoxLayout _Layout; dialog->setLayout(&_Layout); SampleButton *sb = new SampleButton("Hover"); _Layout.addWidget(sb); dialog->show(); return app.exec(); } #include "main.moc"