Error when scanning bluetooth device
I want to use Bluetooth in Qt. I have seen example given by Qt which scan bluetooth device ("lowenergyscanner").
But I have an error when I start scanning :"Writing or reading from the device resulted in an error."
This corresponds to QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::InputOutputError but I don't find more information regarding this error.
I'm under Windows 10 and Qt 5.4.2 (MinGW)
I'm also test with Qt5.5.1, and I get :
An unknown error has occurred
On windows (panel control), I can scan and see my bluetooth device.
Hi do not think its supported in Windows.
Please take the time to search the forum a bit. I've already answered that question several times.
As @mrjj wrote, the package is currently not providing support on Windows. However you can clone the module from and checkout the
branch to test it on Windows.