Cannot insert new record when database is empty
General and Desktop
I 'm working with SQLite database.
When the database has at least one record, I can insert new record normally.
But when it has no record, I can't insert a new record.The code of the new record button is this:
void RepairDevices::on_newButton_clicked() { isnewRecord = true; if (!model->isDirty()){ int row = mapper->currentIndex(); mapper->submit(); model->insertRow(row); mapper->setCurrentIndex(row); // clear controls ui.id_txt->clear(); ui.type_cbo->clear(); ui.sn_txt->clear(); ui.model_txt->clear(); ui.client_id_cbo->clear(); // set focus on first control ui.type_cbo->setFocus(); }
The code of the save button:
void RepairDevices::on_saveButton_clicked() { model->submitAll(); if(isnewRecord){ mapper->toLast(); isnewRecord = false; int row = mapper->currentIndex(); updateButtons(row); }else{ // do nothing } }
Model is a QSqlRelationalTableModel.
Where is the code to insert data into db ? I suspect some logic issue in your program
Your index management looks off by one. if your model is empty and you create a new row, it's index will be 0.