MAC-Qt 5.7.0 does not work in Qt Creator after Qt 5.8 installation
I have Qt 5.7.0 installation on Mac with Qt Creator 4.0.2. It was working fine. Now I installed Qt 5.8. After this 5.8 installation I'm not able to use the Qt 5.7.0 from Qt Creator. However I'm able to run qmake from Qt5.7.0 command line and able to compile and run the program.
Issues are
- In Qt creator 4.0.2 Qt 5.7.0 kit always shows the red mark. It does not give any option to change the compiler. It is always disabled.
- I tried to my own kit in Qt Creator 4.0.2 with Qt 5.7.0. Even If I select the right compiler it says "Compiler cannot product the code for Qt5.7.0
So Qt Creator 4.0.2 I left.
- Qt Creator 4.2.1. Qt 5.8.x work perfectly
- I tried to configure the Qt 5.7.0 kit. It shows kit is fine.
- When I create the project in Qt 5.7.0 and run it, it gives the error while compiling.
It says Qt C++11 support is required. I added the configuration as well. Still gives error
Any idea on this ?
@dheerendra Is the compiler in your Qt 5.7.0 kit the same as in 5.8? Did you update XCode?
I have not done any update to xCode. Also compiler is same for Qt 5.7 and 5.8. As I said Qt 5.7.0 works perfectly from command line. From Qt Creator it does not work.
What version of Xcode are you using ?
What is the mkspec that is set in your kit ?
Xcode is 8.2.1. Also compiler option is disabled in when I see in build & run.
What mkspec is selected ?
mkspec is blank. Not able to select the compiler. It is disabled.
What information do you get if you however the red mark ?
It says no compiler set when hover the red mark. However compiler option is disabled to set it.

The image upload is currently broken, I can't see the image.
Do you have anything in the Compilers panel in Build and Run ?