QtCreator 4.2 Selected build of GDB does not support Python scripting
I can't for the life of me set up the debugger for QTcreator because what I assume is a outdated version of GDB? I followed all the instructions online from everything I could google, but nothing is helping. I'm reaching out of desperation. If anyone could help I would appreciate it greatly.
Thank you in advance.
Hi and welcome to devnet forum
Qt creator is simply an IDE and shall help you in development. Regardless of which version of Qt creator you are using you are basically free to choose specific versions of gdb. Therefore, you may choose a version allowing Python support.
It is not the Qt creator version defining the gdb version but eventually the compiler version used to compile Qt libs. With any version of Qt creator you may choose any version of Qt libs. In fact you can install different versions of Qt libs and switch between those versions for compilation and binding for your needs without restarting Qt creator.
Typically Qt libs are compiled with a specific version of compiler (e.g. MinGW 5.3.0 on windows and similar for Linux). I have currently installed three Qt lib versions and each of them is pre-compiled with a different version of MinGW (gcc). The installation of the individual compilers has always a gdb version associated.
To go straight you may choose a previous version of pre-compiled Qt libs and install them in addition. There you need to check if the gdb version supports python.
Alternatively, you may update gdb to a version you need. As far as I know that is possible, since I had done in the past. You need to check the compatibility to the compiler of course.
You may also recompile Qt with a compiler (and therefore also gdb version) of your likings and needs. -
@SGaist I'm running Windows 10 with GDB version The QT creator kit im running is MSVC2015_64bit which was the default.
@koahnig From what you mentioned I should be compiling under MINGW, but as far as I know that comes with its own GDB version? Am I just using an improper kit/debugger combination? -
To my understanding you can change gdb versions to your liking. However, I am not the expert there, but I had changed teh gdb already in the past.
My personal recommendation is to use as much as standard combinations as possible. Typically there are a lot of different possibilities, but I ran too often into the trap to change piece after piece in my processing chains. Therefore IMHO there has to be really a very good reason to mix things.
My choices would be:
there is a need to use gdb with Python support->gdb is gnu tool therefore use a gnu compiler
you are on windows -> MinGW
Do you really need 64 bits and Qt libs? -> you need to compile Qt libs with MinGW 64 bit compiler- -> Check for MinGW and gdb combination you need
Typically one does not really need 64bits and 32 bits are enough
- -> Install a pre-compiled Qt libs version.
- -> When the phyton support of gdb is not activated you should be able to download an python activated version from somewhere e.g. here. You may want to check and simply exchange with a version of gdb as already supplied with the compiler